REALISTO Weekly Update #5
3 min readFeb 7, 2018


Don’t fret: REALISTO has nothing to fear from crypto volatility!

While the world is staring at tanking crypto prices, we at REALISTO can only say that this latest development is of supreme indifference to us. We have said from the start that we have a sound and long-term business model which will provide safe haven from the vagaries of a volatile crypto market. But even more important: we have absolutely nothing to fear from impending regulation and legislation! The REALISTO platform will be completely in line with all existing and coming regulation. We are here to stay — and here to grow! More and more big investors, as well as large banks are sitting down with us and talk about the future of our (and yes, yours too!) enterprise.

Pavel and Rouven on the way to Frankfurt: First Class Product but Cattle Class Flight ;-)

Diversifying the REALISTO business model: asset management on the blockchain

In our efforts to develop a multi-use platform that goes beyond the real estate business, we have naturally explored all avenues in which our idea might be put to its most effective use. The REALISTO business model is more and more recognized as being truly disruptive for all kinds of asset management and securities emissions. Our new partners from a major Germany-based banking house have quickly picked up on the immensely cost-saving nature and potential transparency of our venture. Using the platform as a virtual digital asset management hub, we will be able to break the (costly!) dependency on clearing houses, custodian banks, securities exchanges and brokers. Our platform is the ideal place for quick, reliable and faultless crowd funding and crowd lending. Low cost and accessibility for any size investor or borrower will leave old-style asset management in the dust.

The best news is that dependency on the crypto market — and its volatility — is no longer a problem for us, because we at REALISTO will be able to emit our own “securities” that directly relate to existing currencies like Euro or Dollar.

Platform development is now clearly structured, and several partner companies have been assigned their tasks. A new, detailed timeline has been set up and the beta launch is timed for the end of Q1 in 2018.

The REALISTO platform is becoming a reality fast. And it is not just another app, but a serious business designed for long-term growth. A business that is sound, reliable and unafraid of any regulation that may come.

If that isn’t good news, we don’t know what is. More exciting news next week!

Tired but proud after a long day

Have a good one.


Rouven, Leonard and Pavel



Real Estate Investments On The Blockchain: Easy, Safe, Accessible