Published inForgeLowering the Bar Is the Truest Act of FriendshipThe pandemic is not a friendship litmus testJul 8, 202020Jul 8, 202020
Published inOneZeroThe World’s Smartphones Are Filled With Gold. That’s a Problem.Small amounts of gold used in electronics quickly add up to environmental and humanitarian disastersApr 13, 20207Apr 13, 20207
How to Write an Irresistible PitchSelling a story to a magazine can seem impossible, especially if you’ve been sending out email after email with no reply.Jan 30, 20204Jan 30, 20204
Published inForgeFriendship Is Always Emotional LaborThe strongest relationships are the ones that recognize thatNov 27, 20194Nov 27, 20194
Published inForgeThe Cure for Toxic Positivity‘Hang in there!’ can do more harm than goodOct 4, 201973Oct 4, 201973
Published inForgeHow to Lift the Paralysis of Climate Change DespairA shift in mindset to keep you activated in the face of an insurmountable challengeAug 2, 201922Aug 2, 201922
How I Quit My Day Job to Write Full Time“Don’t quit your day job.” If you’re a writer, you’ve probably heard that before. But don’t listen to everything you’re told.Jun 21, 201920Jun 21, 201920
Published inGENHow to Handle Everything That Could Go Wrong When You Try to VoteAn election-day guide to dealing with any obstacle you may face trying to cast a ballotNov 5, 20182Nov 5, 20182
Published inGENJanet Reno’s Sister Owes a Florida Developer $5 Million. She Has Zero Intention of Paying.What’s the best way to stifle environmental opposition? A massive lawsuit.Oct 25, 201811Oct 25, 201811
My Top 10 Favorite NovelsA little while ago, I asked my Twitter followers to share their favorite books with me. I received tons of responses. I was floored! A…Oct 24, 20181Oct 24, 20181