Capricorn: The Zodiac’s Tenth Sign

Rebecca Brents
8 min readDec 26, 2019

Creating a legacy … leaving something behind

Mountain goat
Capricorn’s symbol is the goat — the Sea Goat, actually, but pictures of those are pretty darn rare!! Image Source

Don’t make a spectacle — and save the receipts!

Happy Birthday, Capricorn!! You are the birthday child this month, and as the last of the Earth Signs (the others being Taurus and Virgo) you’ll want to make sure you get your money’s worth from the festivities. Although as perhaps the most … umm … frugal of the Earth signs, you’ll want to get as much “bang for your buck” without having to turn loose of any more bucks than absolutely necessary. (C’mon now. I did not call you cheap. I did not.)

I know you say you hate for people to make a fuss … over you. You hate for people to … go to so much trouble and all. Well, that’s the conservative, sober, dignified side of you speaking, the side that wants everyone around you to “show a little maturity” and always, always keep their behavior beyond reproach.

You don’t mind a properly reserved, even reverent celebration of your arrival in the world — as long as the assembly doesn’t get too loud, doesn’t get out of hand, doesn’t cause too much commotion. There is such an emphasis in your soul on things like manners, propriety, and correctness.

