Earth, Wind and Fire … and Water

Compatibility in the Zodiac

Rebecca Brents
9 min readApr 10, 2019
Finding harmony in diversity

An Introduction

Every astrologer hears the question: What signs am I compatible with? The person asking wants a list of three or four answers they can count on … often to solve problems much larger than just a cluster of incompatible associates.

Some of the misapplications of astrology suggest there are such lists … and easy answers. There aren’t. In astrology, as in life, broad categories and generalizations … may not be worth much. Also, a lot depends on what you want … what “compatible” means to you.

True, there are signs who tend to think and act alike, whose orientation and values toward life share common ground, whose personalities support and sympathize with one another. This can indeed give you a head start on a satisfying relationship — but there are no guarantees.

Intellectually, as an educated astrologer, I can sit here and tell you that all signs are crucially important, all signs are wonderfully unique, all people are composed of many different elements — and categories can be dangerous.

As a practical matter and in the experience of my real life, though, I have to admit there is one sign I simply cannot get along wit — although Lord knows I’ve tried!! (No, I will not say what it is.) On the…

