Sun Power — Sun energy in your horoscope and personality

What does the Sun represent in Astrology — and why is it important?

Rebecca Brents
7 min readDec 31, 2019
blazing orange sunrise
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It’s complicated — and so are you

Astrology understands your personality is a complex, integrated structure. It’s composed of different parts, different Inner Selves, that theoretically work together as a whole.

Of course that’s not always true. (I called it “theoretical” for a reason.) Inner conflict is a huge part of being human. But working with the Selves who cooperate, and finding ways to compromise and accommodate those that don’t, is also one of Life’s grander lessons about “what it is to be human.”

Like it or not, we all have to find some way to make it work. Some manage it better than others. No surprise there. But it’s a common task we all accept as part of the agenda when we arrive.

sunrise like a starburst at edge of lake
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The divisions aren’t always clear cut

Still, there are Inner Selves, each represented by a planet in the horoscope, that share common interests and agendas. This can make distinguishing between them somewhat…

