The Aries-to-Taurus Cusp-Born Person

April 16 to April 20

Rebecca Brents
4 min readDec 15, 2019
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Calming down … mellowing out

This mix is energetic, spirited and courageous. The colorful, cantankerous Aries-to-Taurus person will have a gentle, persistent, and luxury-loving side to his character.

He will have his notoriously assertive and pushy Aries character tempered (sometimes unexpectedly so) by the steadier, less impulsive, more patient, and, …ok, kinder qualities of Taurus.

As the dynamic, initiating energy of Aries matures and mellows, it becomes more comfortable in its use of assertiveness and power. Moving on to the transition of becoming “something else,” an uncharacteristic serenity weaves itself into this personality.

The Aries-to-Taurus blend is calmer, more deliberate, and more focused than the distilled versions of Aries Warrior energy.

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Finding patience

As the gentle, resolute energy of Taurus becomes more apparent, some other welcome, useful qualities become obvious in the changing Aries character — qualities like patience, tolerance, and unflappability.

