My secret to reaching 100 followers in 5 days

It’s actually really easy, and you’re probably doing it right now.

Rebecca McGee
4 min readNov 15, 2021
Image by Author via Spark Post

First I’d like to thank my 120 followers, especially the three kind souls who followed me before I even published anything. Y’all are the best! I’ll be giving them all a shout-out at the end of the post.

Now, let’s get down to business. I’m sure you only opened this because you want answers, so here they are. It’s really simple. All I did was read lots of articles, comment, clap, and follow other authors.


That’s it. That’s the secret. You don’t even need to read the rest of this article if you don’t want to. Just skip to the bottom to find some really cool people to follow. They’ll probably follow you too because they’re all so kind and supportive.


This part is easy, you’re already doing this so I won’t waste too much time talking about it. Search for articles that mention 100 followers because you’ll find a bunch of writers like yourself, looking for followers. There’s a ridiculous amount of these articles floating around. Follow them and more than likely you’ll get a follow back.




Rebecca McGee

Professional procrastinator, amateur otaku, and possibly the most adequate wordsmith to avoid a blank page.