Traveling in Time in Any Direction Is Impossible

Simple Proof that Time Cannot Change by Definition

Rebel Science
2 min readNov 9, 2022
Time Cannot Change by Definition

Super Short but Sweet

Most people, including most physicists, believe that time travel is possible but in only one direction, past to future. They believe that we are always moving forward in time. We maintain that this is an illusion of the mind. It is impossible to travel in time in any direction, forward or backward. The proof is in the next paragraph.

Why Is Time Travel Impossible?

It is because traveling in time implies a velocity in time which would have to be given as v = dt/dt = 1, which is nonsense. That’s it. That is the entire proof and the only proof anyone needs to destroy any claim that time travel is possible.

The Universe Is a State Machine

You won’t find this mentioned in academic texts but a time dimension makes motion or any kind of change impossible. We exist in the continually changing present. It is for this reason that nothing can move in Einstein’s spacetime and that science philosopher Karl Popper wrote in Conjectures and Refutations (pdf) that “spacetime is Einstein’s block universe in which nothing happens.”

