Why Nothing Can Move Faster than the Speed of Light

The Reason Will Amaze

Rebel Science
3 min readMar 29, 2022


There can be no progress in physics without a thorough understanding of motion. Knowing why the speed of light is the maximum speed is crucial to that understanding. We wrote about the speed of light before but it is such an important part of our model of the universe and of our upcoming article on the cause of gravity, we thought it would be a good idea to go over it again.

The Surprising Reason

This will be short but get ready for a shock. Forget about everything you may have heard about causality, time dilation, infinite mass, relativity, etc. The reason is that the speed of light is the only possible speed. Nothing can move faster or slower, period. How can this be? The universe is discrete and, as explained below, a time dimension is impossible. This means that motion consists of a series of extremely minute discrete jumps (quantum jumps, if you like), each of which happens at the speed of light over a minute fundamental distance. If a body is observed to move slower than light, it is because it is at rest part of the time, that is to say, it has rest periods between the jumps. At the speed of light, it is all jumps with no rest periods. At half the speed of light, a body is at rest half the time. At ordinary speeds, it is at rest almost all the time with only a few jumps sprinkled in.

But Why?

