Agent Double 07
4 min readSep 9, 2015

Judging Today’s Youth

Today’s Kids are judged by other kids. Adults often say the phrase, “Kids are mean.” It’s not just kids that are mean. Adults can judge kids and other adults in the same way, even if they don’t say anything. In fact, adults are worse at judging kids than other kids are! It’s no wonder kids today are so stressed out. Things like social media, grades, school, sports, and friendships are constantly judging them. From the moment that they open their eyes to the moment that they fall asleep people judge them.

At school, grades and tests challenge the areas of their lives that are ‘more important’. Then, they are told how good they are at these things that are supposed to be very important. If you make good grades, you are considered smart by all of the teachers. If you do not make good grades, you are considered stupid or not very hard working. It all depends on what you look like in class. If you look like you are listening and you look like you are trying and you really aren’t, people will think that you really do work hard. Students that work really hard that don’t look like they do, will not be worked with as much, because they do not look like they are working very hard at all. Then, if you are smart, everything goes so slowly and gets boring. Eventually, you stop paying attention and you fall behind. This happens all of the time. The kids that have trouble rise and the students that don’t, sink. Advanced classes do help with this a reasonable amount, but they don’t do enough. I, myself ended up sinking in middle school. I rose back up to the top, but because I thought that I knew all that they were teaching me, I sank.

Children that are in dance competitions are judged on their dancing skills. Although this is meant for fun, some take this way too far and become too competitive. At the dance recitals I have been to, there have always been those competitive parents that are mean, those that support their children fully, and those that just don’t care. The television show, Dance Moms is a great example of people who push their kids too hard. With their talent, I’m sure that they would blossom and grow into beautiful dancers without all of that pushing.

Children are often judged by looks. If a child wears nice clothes to school, they are considered either pretty or rich. The child may not be either, but because they wear nice things, they are rich. The same thing goes the other way. If a child wears old, or regular clothes they are considered ugly and poor. Maybe that is just what they like. Maybe they are going through some though times. Do not guess that they are poor just by looking at what they wear. Maybe their parents just died or they recently moved homes. Would you know that by looking at them? Unless they are wearing a shirt that says, “My mom recently passed away.”, no. Please think before you judge.

Do not ever judge somebody by their handwriting. That is a big thing when applying for jobs, at school, and at work. If your handwriting is bad, some people automatically assume that you are stupid. NEVER DO THIS. Being somebody that has had bad handwriting all of their life, I get very upset when somebody thinks that I am stupid. I love animals, but when people see my handwriting, they assume that I do not know anything about them. For most of my life I have been considered very intelligent. When a teacher first meets me, they do not agree with the statement above. Once they read my works, they understand that my handwriting has nothing to do with my intelligence. I, personally, think that bad handwriting MAKES you smarter. When you focus all on your handwriting the amount of focus on what you are writing become smaller. Your brain will only focus on so much at a time. When you focus on things other than what you are writing, you may make mistakes.

Bad handwriting doesn’t necessarily mean that the person is stupid. It could actually mean the opposite.

Remember, looks and what skills you see are not what sum up a person’s talent or personality.Treat everybody with RESPECT, not judgmental thoughts.

~ Agent Double 07

(P.S. I did not take any of these pictures and I do not own them. I am not trying to steal them and I do not take credit for ANY of them.)

Agent Double 07

I love to write, express myself, and be one of a kind.