Partner Spotlight: Gold Grain Capital

Rebus Chain
3 min readAug 25, 2022

Gold Grain Capital is another one of Rebus’ wealth advisory partners, whose clients are looking to diversify into innovative asset classes such as crypto. Founder Marco Eman resonates with Rebus’ goal of opening up DeFi for TradFi and sees the partnership as a great opportunity for his clients. Our strong ties with the TradFi world is what pushed them over the edge, as they could clearly see how we not only understand the TradFi world but also what barriers they must overcome to get FIAT into DeFi.

Q: Tell us about your business. What value(s) do you deliver? Questions you answer?

A: We offer high-calibre financial advisory services, specializing in structured products and derivatives, that are geared towards long-term collaboration. Our solutions include structuring, brokerage, co-manufacturing, enhancing asset management platforms and institutional advisory.

Q: How do you position yourself in the market?

A: We believe that there is a gap in the market for providing transparent and high-quality financial advisory services and position ourselves as such. Our bespoke financial plans are always catered specifically to the clients’ needs to ensure they are met.

Q: Who are your typical clients?

A: Our main clients include institutional and professional investors who are looking for bespoke wealth advisory.

Q: Why do these clients come to you vs other options? Doing the work themselves?

A: As a solutions-based business, we construct fully bespoke and competitive structured products in close consultation with clients, to suit any investor’s needs. We have close ties to a number of leading institutions that issue debt, and we use these connections to make sure that returns are competitive with low minimum investments.

Q: When did you first start looking at blockchain/crypto/DeFi, and why?

A: We first joined the blockchain/crypto industry all the way back in 2011, because we believe that blockchain is the future. Personal interest, combined with an interest in a new emerging asset class, drew us in.

Q: What is your vision of where the blockchain/crypto/DeFi market is going?

A: Our vision for the future of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and DeFi is strong, positive growth. However, no growth is sustainable if problems aren’t solved first. If blockchain is to become the dominant technology, it’s likely that cryptocurrency would follow.

Q: What do your clients say/ask about DeFi/crypto?

A: Our clients have many questions and are eager to understand the industry. Are there exciting opportunities? What is the risk? And how do I invest? are all common questions.

Q: How did you first come across Rebus and what was immediately interesting?

A: We came across Rebus by conducting market research and consulting our wide network of crypto professionals. We were immediately struck by how Rebus is bringing DeFi investments to traditional investors. For a crypto project, they are extremely well connected to the TradFi world, which gives us strong conviction for their project.

Q: What about Rebus made you partner? How do you evaluate such a relationship?

A: It’s an honor and a privilege for Rebus to think of us as a partner, and we think this relationship will be very good for our clients and the market as a whole.

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Rebus Chain

Taking DeFi Mainstream 🌎 Bringing DeFi Investments to Traditional Investors 🤝 A builder of #Cosmos ⚛️