Partner Spotlight: StudioPhi

Rebus Chain
5 min readAug 4, 2022

StudioPhi is one of many financial advisement organizations looking to satisfy the increasing demand for decentralized financial (DeFi) instruments from their client base of otherwise, traditional (TradFi) investors. For founder Brunello Pianca, there is no question that DeFi is here to stay and should be a part of every portfolio. The answer he’s searching for is “how do I provide these instruments to our clients?” Fortunately, a partnership with Rebus simplifies the answer to that question as well as many others posed by his clients as their interest in DeFi continues to grow.

Q: Tell us about you and your business. What value(s) do you deliver? Questions you answer?

A: I began my career as a financial advisor in 1987, a few months before the Black Monday crash. I quickly learned the importance of risk management and asset diversification. But the most important lesson was realizing the significance of emotional control in addition to having sound financial evaluations. My entire professional life is built around a few key principles helpful in surviving “black swan” events and systematic chaos. When unexpected, negative things happen, people can panic, especially if they don’t understand what’s happening. For my clients, I deliver that restraint. We offer people a resilient and consistent approach to money management using the principles I’ve developed over the last 35 years of financial advisement.

Q: How do you position yourself in the market?

A: If you are my client, my goal is to be your largest financial asset because you can trust that I not only have your best interest in mind but that we have a tried and true approach that you can both understand and support. As a money manager with over 35 years in offering risk-adjusted strategic and tactical asset allocation services, I’ve been a part of many boom and bust cycles. Our clients can trust that our strategy and tactics are intentionally designed for these cyclical yet unpredictable fluctuations. Our typical goal is capital preservation for 80% of the asset and high growth for the remaining 20%.

Q: Who are your typical clients?

A: High net worth individuals. Typically, these are certified, professionals or entrepreneurs; and sometimes from wealthy families. The level of financial sophistication varies widely, but all of our clients benefit from having us spend the time to manage the money they make, so they can spend their time enjoying it.

Q: Why do these clients come to you vs other options? Doing the work themselves?

A: Typically, it’s a split between time and discipline. Managing money is a difficult, time-consuming task on its own. But managing emotions as markets fluctuate is very difficult. It’s natural for people to become emotionally connected to decisions they make, investments included. And it’s these emotional connections that are often where the most common mistakes are made–-holding when you should sell, selling when you should hold, Etc.,. The market is fickle and if you’re not conditioned to the temperament, it can be maddening.

Q: When did you first start looking at crypto/DeFi, and why?

A: Of course, the launch of Bitcoin in 2009 was big news across the financial industry. Blockchain technology was the biggest excitement during these early days as its benefit was quite clear as compared to the use of cryptocurrencies, which was still very theoretical. It wasn’t until 2016 that I began investing in select ICOs. I studied blockchain and cryptocurrencies for a couple of years before increasing the frequency and size of investments. I immediately understood the disruptive force of the new technology, which could potentially represent the most significant wealth redistribution in human history. Consequently, in 2018, I co-founded BrightNode, a Swiss company specializing in blockchain strategic advisory and tokenomics design. Since then, CeFi (centralized finance) and DeFi play a key role in my daily activity.

Q: What is your vision of where the crypto/DeFi market is going?

A: It is going to be the most significant financial revolution in human history. I know that it sounds bold but I don’t believe I can understate the impact it will have on the world. The most significant moments in history are largely when a balance of financial power shifts among different groups. The industrial revolution marked the beginning of a new, middle class that suddenly had more economic and therefore, political power than any group of that size before it. Since then, the advances made across the globe in all aspects of life have been quite amazing when it comes to improved quality of life and global peacefulness. DeFi will do the same as it provides trust and transparency in transactions that we’ve never had before. Developing nations often struggle and fail because of currency instability and distrust. Even today, you see distrust in financial institutions within developed nations. DeFi will contribute to improving the living standards of billions of people and will drastically change the way we entertain our relationship with money, how we manage it, how we transfer it, and how we look at it. It will be huge.

Q: What do your clients say/ask about DeFi/crypto?

A: Given the early stage of the market, I’d say it’s expected. We have a few skeptics, largely because they do not understand the technology and only see headlines of the worst types of projects rather than the positive works in motion. The majority see that this is a way of the future and want this to be where they invest in innovative technology. These customers already have invested in some crypto ETFs or crypto funds on their own, but are truly interested in us taking a stronger role in guiding them to more sophisticated instruments.

Q: How did you first come across Rebus and what was immediately interesting?

A: I had a prior business relationship with Paolo Baroni through Superflat, a company in which I am both a board member and shareholder. The professionalism, competencies, and experience gathered among the founding Rebus members appeared outstanding. For me, I had wondered how DeFi would go mainstream and knew that it would have to eventually. So, when I heard about the Rebus mission, I realized “this is it, this is how DeFi will expand into institutional CeFi; a bridge between traditional and innovative finance.”

Q: What about Rebus made you partner? How do you evaluate such a relationship?

A: With my experience in the financial sector and where I saw things moving, the Rebus business model made sense. Rebus has massive potential to facilitate the growth of the entire industry. Of course, a disruptive business model is just a part of the equation. Rebus also showed that they had recruited the people necessary to see such innovation through. From technical competence and financial savvy to risk-management, compliance, KYC, and entrepreneurial experience, they have all they need to be successful. At the end of the day, partnering with Rebus is a win-win.

Learn more about StudioPhi and BrightNode:

Contact: Brunello Pianca

StudioPhi Website:

BrightNode Website:

For more info on Rebus:



Rebus Chain

Taking DeFi Mainstream 🌎 Bringing DeFi Investments to Traditional Investors 🤝 A builder of #Cosmos ⚛️