10 Twitter Bots You Should Definitely Follow in 2017

SAP Conversational AI
3 min readMar 21, 2017


Twitter is well known to be gathering millions of fake accounts. In 2014, the company admitted that as many as 23 million of its active users were automated. As top twitter bots reach impressive volumes, it’s safe to say that Twitter is one of the most popular platform for bots developers. A “twitterbot” is a bot program used to produce automated tweets, replies or retweets. In total, twitterbots are estimated to create approximately 24% of tweets that are on Twitter. From “bimbots” (attractive lady bots) to complex AI-based bots, Twitter hosts a large diversity of bots and that’s why it’s interesting and a lot of fun!

Even if a majority of these twitterbots are seen as spammy and annoying, some creative developers found interesting use cases for this particular social network. In 2017, new bots are getting noticed and we couldn’t help but share it with you!


#1 @DearAssistant

@DearAssistant is a Twitter bot that will try to answer your questions just like Siri, Google Now or Cortana. It was built by Amit Agarwal, a computer science engineer who already developed several twitterbots.

#2 @WhatTheFare

@WhatTheFare is an “Uber bot”, also built by Amit Agarwal. You just have to tweet your pick-up and drop-off points and it will estimate your Uber fare!

#3 @dscovr_epic

@dscovr_epic is the perfect Twitter bot to follow if you are passionate about space. Every day, it shares a picture of mother earth from the NASA’s DSCOVR spacecraft.

#4 @pentametron

@pentametron is a twitterbot looking for some poetry substance in our tweets. This bot uses the Iambic pentameter metric line to find relevant tweets, and then re-tweets them one after the another to create an everlasting poem. If you like poetry, it’s a no-brainer!

#5 @_grammar_

@_grammar_ is a pretty impressive and useful bot. It automatically detects tweets that have improper usage of English grammar and then posts solutions.

#6 @netflix_bot

In 2017, more and more people are using Netflix on a regular basis and there are many releases every week. @netflix_bot tweets new releases on Netflix Instant in order to help you stay updated.

#7 @MuseumBot

@MuseumBot is not a new bot but you should definitely follow it in 2017 if you like art. It tweets a random high-res Open Access image from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, four times a day.

#8 @choochoobot

Because we also like funny bots at Recast.AI, we had to share with you the @choochoobot : a bot which auto-generates emoji — tweets.

#9 @relativebot

Because size matters after all, @relativebot compares every day the sizes of random things! If you are a developer, you can check their GitHub repository and fork it.

#10 @year_progress

Always wondering how much time you have before the end of the year? @year_progress tweets every day a progress bar for the completion of the current year.

Originally published at Recast.AI Blog.



SAP Conversational AI

Bot building software for the enterprise. Formerly known as Recast.AI, startup acquired by @SAP in Jan 2018 to transform customer experience with #bots and #AI