Psychology behind womanizers: his rules and what to do with him.

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4 min readFeb 6, 2017


Psychology behind womanizers: his rules and what to do with him

Psychology womanizer: Libertine or emotional trauma?The psychology behind womanizers recognizes one important component, the root of all evils — is an excessive attachment to relations with the opposite sex.

The desire for endless fun with different Lady — this type of reputed libertine and throw a woman for a new passion;
Withdrawal from relationships out of fear of becoming addicted emotionally — such men break up as soon as feel that the relationship becomes serious.

psychology behind womanizers

A woman who has offended womanizer, in dealing with them gains experience. She will stop on them believe and will behave prudently. However, she will draw to the eloquent, beautiful caring men. She will believe that the next time a gallant womanizer will not disappoint her. Again, she would believe his beautiful words, gestures. It would seem that what could be banaler than the affair with a womanizer. Everyone knows that anything good it does not end. Homebrew Casanova will remain Casanova. Nevertheless, the affair with womanizer has love biographies of almost every woman.
In addition, for some take years finally leave him. Why? Because in the psychology behind womanizers are lots of methods and rules in order to keep interested women, deftly manipulating their feelings. Let us look at them.

Rules womanizer №1 — How it all begins
Womanizer is no one able to ease to meet and look beautiful. A man with serious intentions two words cannot connect in dating makes mistakes, one after another. Womanizer the filigree work, his perfect technique. Especially, in the meeting, he really falls in love. And his eyes shine. To this situation «buys” the majority of women. And here begins extravaganza candy-bouquet period.(Look at too-Definition psychology of motivation)

At what moment you realize that you are not one, but one of many, it is difficult to say. Bells are likely to be immediate. You simply will not notice them, writing off the fact that he is very sociable, able to find a common language with women. In addition, such an interesting man cannot leave without female attention. At first, it flatters you. Because of all he chose you.

psychology behind womanizers

Rules womanizer №2 — What happens next?
Further events can develop for a variety of scenarios. You can even turn out to be his lawful wife. Will begin your personal story with strange phone calls at two o’clock at night, the prints of lipstick on his shirt visits the ladies with the requirements of the divorce. It all depends on your patience.

If you catch him in the betrayal of the first time and then decided to give him a chance to rectify — this is normal. If it happens a second and third time and you continue to be with him, it’s a matter of your personal choice and ideas about how should be a relationship. Nevertheless, women do so. They explain it simply: “I cannot give it up; it seems to me, I love only him. I hope that eventually he will understand that I — that the only one that he needed and no longer will not go anywhere. “(Look at too-The men are more skillful than women)
Such a selection may be pragmatic: I am aware of his adventures. However, all is fair. In life, he needs only me. Everything else -. Temporarily»
There is also a passionate bohemian novel, in which the deformed everything, including the idea of love and loyalty.
Rules womanizer №3 — What keeps you?

Firstly himself. Womanizer, as well as femme’s fatales, seek to maintain around himself a circle of “worship”. Them vitally important to keep the hook of his phone. That is why he calls you at regular intervals, each time causing you in bewilderment and joy (he always remembered me and finally decided to call again!).

In fact, he calls girls practically in a circle that is why they do not forget him. Calls, comes with flowers, and recognitions, you spend a great time, and then he disappears again. In this case, definitely, something important happens with him, he tell that will come back to you as soon as finish the work. Although some of them do not explain anything. Familial womanizer every time repent, promise to reform. The best, they become more careful and if really do not want to leave the family.(Look at too-Everything depends on you)

Secondly, the psychology behind womanizers shows that it is the illusion that he can change. And bring him back on the right path (i.e., the path of a faithful husband and a good father) exactly you can. And let everyone around burst with envy. This idea is so pleasant to your self-esteem that usually somewhat overshadows the real picture. Plus, a womanizer himself seeks to support you in this dubious hope.
Third, your feelings to him. Up to that point, until they pass. And they do not go if you will not understand the first two paragraphs.

Rules womanizer №4 — How to leave….

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