My Best Passive Income Crypto Investments, Earning up to 8% Daily

Red King Crypto
5 min readApr 19, 2022


If you love passive income as much as I do, you’re really going to enjoy this one.

It combines some of the best parts of crypto (defi) along with hardware-free mining and produces and extremely high rate of passive income. Up to 8% per day to be exact.

This is Baked Beans. Baked Beans is a BNB miner on the Binance Smart Chain. There are loads of miners out there, many of which are scams, and I will quickly highlight some of Baked Beans’ positive points before going into more detail. (And to set your minds at ease; this is not a sponsored article and I only endorse projects in which I have personally invested).


Established in November 2021 — it has already been going for over five months while many others have fallen away. It has proven its stability and the contract continues to grow every single day.

Fully Audited — the project has been audited by Ethos and has been given a “positive” stamp.

Low Fees — there is only a 3% dev fee which is one of the lowest in the market.

High ROI — up to 8% earned daily, which makes it possible to see a return on your investment in just 6–8 weeks (although many have reported to have earned it even quicker).

I have personally invested in this project, and in my opinion, it is the best miner since Drip. If you don’t know what Drip is go read this article, or sign up for a Drip account here. I have been in Drip for nine months now and it is a brilliant platform, I ROI’d after three months and have personally made back six times my original investment.

Baked Beans have stated that their desire is to be the leading BNB miner platform and with this idea, they have launched $BCT with a transaction tax that will be strategically and 100% transparently deposited into the ‘Baked Beans Miner’ for optimal growth of the smart contract mining pool, which increases the stability and longevity of the contract.

I have looked at many mining projects and in my opinion this is the strongest and the most sustainable BNB miner.

I know one investor who (and has shown me his proof) invested $400 into Baked Beans and, after compounding for a few weeks, he is now generating $300 every single day.


The first thing you want to do is set up a Metamask wallet (if you haven’t done so already). Just open a Chrome or Brave browser and go to and click add Chrome extension.

Then you need to add the Binance Smart Chain to your Metamask Wallet.

Click Ethereum in your wallet, then scroll down to Add Network.

Click that and add the following details:

Network Name: Smart Chain


ChainID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL:

Then go to Baked Beans and click “connect” in the top right corner.

Then you can choose how much BNB you’d like to deposit into Baked Beans. Enter the amount and click Bake Beans.

You will lose a small amount of your initial investment as there is a tax on deposits. These taxes are what make the project sustainable so don’t be too disappointed with them.

Here is a breakdown of what each element on the screen means:

Contract: Displays TVL (Total Locked Value) of the smart contract.

Wallet: displays personal wallet balance.

Your Beans: they are miners hired with BNB (They do not have a set price) that gain your daily rewards. Beans DO NOT have a price, Beans price per BNB fluctuates EVERY minute.

Bake: Bake Beans displays blue when a BNB amount is entered into the window just above, click bake to confirm deposit. Gas fees (Standard BSC fees .11c) and a 3% dev fee upon deposit and withdrawal.

Re-bake: Minimum re-bake is .01 BNB. If there are rewards accumulated and a new deposit is made ALL BNB gets added to “Your Beans”.

Eat Beans: This withdraws BNB accumulated and is transferred into connected personal wallet. Eat fees are BSC gas fees and 3% dev fee.


The main magic of this project is the compounding interest. You can compound, or rebake to use their term, as many times a day as you like.

Daily percentage is up to 8%. This depends on eating habits, the time of day you re-bake or deposit and TVL fluctuation. Average daily return is 5–6%.

The advice for the strongest rewards is to keep compounding for six days and on the seventh day you take out your rewards, or “Eat” your beans. This is known as the 6:1 ratio. If you follow this rule you can get your initial investment back in 6–8 weeks and continue to earn after that.

You can view the contract at and you can see how the project continues to grow. I have been tracking it and in the last eight days it has grown from 25 456 BNB to 34 247 BNB and it shows no sign of slowing down.


Many of these projects aren’t audited, or claim to be in the process of being audited. Baked Beans has been audited by Ethos. You can see the full audit at this link, but here is the summary from them, it is the best result I have read of BNB miners:

Ethos’ audit of the Baked Beans smart contract has concluded with a POSITIVE result. The initial review identified a number of non-critical issues. The remaining report includes all issues identified in the initial review, as well as the revised status post resolution by the team.

If you do decide to sign up with Drip or Baked Beans, I would love to hear from you in the comments.


  • I’m not a financial advisor. This is not a financial advice, whatever you read in my articles are strictly for educational purposes.
  • Baked Beans Miner is high risk and high reward.
  • This is a locked smart contract; BNB rewards pool your initial investment and it is locked forever.
  • The contract has an anti-whale mechanism which is standard in all the best miners.
  • Baked Beans Miner and $BCT token are separate projects (Under the same ecosystem and team).
  • This article contains affiliate links. I would like to keep producing high quality, informative articles from my own experience, and the only way that is sustainable is to get some reward from affiliate recommendations.
  • I only endorse projects that I have personally invested in.



Red King Crypto

I am passionate about Crypto, especially passive farming and P2E games.