How To Create A Kick Ass Explainer Video

3 min readJan 17, 2018


First, we’d have to explain what an explainer video is.

An explainer video is a short, catchy and entertaining video that informs/educates the viewer on whatever the subject of the video is. This type of Video is usually animated which makes it more fun to watch.

Average length: 30–60 seconds

How To Create A Killer Explainer Video:

You Need An Amazing Script: Before anything, it is important to note: NEVER MAKE A VIDEO IF YOU HATE THE SCRIPT. To the other important notes. Your copy needs to be short and precise, your imagery straight to the point. You do not want a video that might be fun but has consumers lost on its meaning.

Your script needs to be engaging and create some sort of emotion from your viewers. If you were the viewer, would you be persuaded by the words in your script? Every aspect of your script must encapsulate the general idea or theme of your video. Do not leave any idea to chance. All factors that make up your script must have a synergy.

You have 10–15 seconds to hold the attention of your viewer, this means that your interesting bit should come first and then you can build up from there.When writing a script, make sure that you focus on the benefits of your products rather than the features. Make your product the solution.

People always want to see that what you give them is value. You can state the problem, address the solution and mention how your product provides that solution and then make a call to action.

Use your colors: In all your videos ensure that your company colors are represented in them. Your creative team needs to be aware before creating the videos. People need to be able to connect your company to your video. You do not want to create a video that you still have to tell people that it’s from your company.

Longer Is Not Better: No one ever said ‘The Longer the Wedding Dress, the Longer the Marriage’. Yes, you have built a phenomenal product and want to share it with the world. There is so much you want to say and you think everything is too important to leave out. Explainer videos are targeted at the mass audience who are serial web surfers and do not have time to watch a video that takes up the time they would have used to watch 8 shorter and funner videos. You need to be creatively precise when making your video and get their attention enough to make them want to see more; then redirect them to a longer and more detailed video about your product or service.

Don’t Just Post it, Market it: While a video may have a lot of potential to positively affect your business, people would not just stumble upon your video; this is why you must always tactically place your videos online. Take Your video to them. Push the video on platforms where you know your audience is. It makes sense that the video also sits on the front page of your website. Also, pay attention to details such as the thumbnail and the video description in order to fully optimize the potential of the video.

Please, have a killer product: Explainer videos are only to market your stuff and create awareness of the existence of your product. If however, an amazing video leads us to an un-amazing product, then you have successfully failed. Remember that the best kind of marketing is a good product itself.




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