Tips on how to avoid creative block

5 min readJan 9, 2023



Welcome back! We have previously discussed in our blog an essential challenge for every design agency: to offer a fresh and differentiated product for every client.

In the approach taken in the previous article, we talked about how the Redbility visual team faces this challenge. Starting with a focus on assimilating the strategy and objectives of the project, and combating the fear of the blank canvas by immersing ourselves in references and inspiration.

We will therefore continue to explore the next steps in order to go deeper into the project and work our way towards a satisfactory result. Let’s keep going!

Don’t neglect the competition

At first, you may be inclined to think that the most direct way to reach the solution is to do the opposite of what the competition is doing. By this logic, it is easy to assume that differentiation is assured, isn’t it? However, this can be a serious mistake if it is not grounded in your project.

One of the unavoidable steps to start our assignment is to analyze competitors. In doing so, the most important thing is to understand why they do what they do. In addition, we will differentiate good practices that may be interesting for the user experience or for business, from those that are not. Remember that the example of your competitors can be used as an argument to justify a decision, both by assimilation and distinction.

Keeping their positive references will help us to evaluate them in later phases and decide what to incorporate into our project, seeking a balance between differentiation and the application of good practices detected, which is necessary to build a consistent product.

“Understand why they do what they do.”

It’s all been invented… Or has it?

We can never be original enough, let’s face it. As visual designers, creating something new and trend-setting may be one of our goals, but you should know that what you design has probably already been done by others before. This should not frustrate you!

Keep in mind that we get inspired even unconsciously. In fact, this is not a bad thing, as our memory stores and recognizes these moments allowing the best ideas to come out and apply them in our projects.

You should use this to your advantage, always trying to add a personal touch based on your experience, knowledge and personality. In this way we will get a design that may not be completely new, but it will be equally unique and original, with the stamp of the hands that have worked on it.

Write, color, write, color…

Surely you know that typography, the tone of the communication and the colour palette are some of the essential elements that define the soul of a project. That is why it is essential to give them the importance they deserve, trying, testing and retrying variants until we find the right solution. As a recommendation, try to avoid employing combinations already used in another project to ensure different results.

Reinvention is an option, not an obligation.

Let’s talk about a point that we will face as we develop our project. More than once, as you move forward, you have looked back and revised something that was already working. You’ve spent a lot of time trying to improve it, and you’ve spent a lot of time trying to modify small details. We have to understand that there will always be more ways of doing things, so don’t get bogged down in changing something that is already well done!

However, if you still want to try to modify something already designed, we encourage you to do so with the awareness of the potential increase in value that it can bring and without losing your life and timing in the process.

Trust your team, four eyes see better than two

Another fundamental tip to get out of blocks or doubts about the direction our designs are taking is to rely on the team. At Redbility we are fortunate to be surrounded by a great team, where we always have colleagues who are open to collaborate with us. And as they say, four eyes see better than two, so count on their fresh and impartial vision of the product to find a way to break the blockage and continue with the development of the project.

Only by opening and analyzing different paths is it possible to determine which one is the right one, and this is a fantastic way to detect unexplored paths and to compare them (even if the suggested way ends up not being the right one).

Question everything… Even if you do it yourself!

Finally, we advise you to question the suitability of the proposed result. We know the effort it has taken to reach it, but questioning and testing how the proposed solution responds is an excellent exercise to achieve excellence in your designed products.

Also, you don’t have to do it alone! Try showing the product to someone, expose yourself to their questions and see if the objectives to be met have been achieved, or if there are still adjustments to be made.

With all this, you will be able to determine whether the result of your work seems to fit and if it is ready to face the final tests: first the filter of the clients and finally, the filter of the target users.

This brings us to the end of our articles on how we tackle the visual side of a project in Redbility. Anyway, remember that this is only one way of working and that there will be many others. Apply to your day-to-day work the formula that you feel most comfortable creating and that also fits with the objectives of the project.

This is the only way to achieve excellent results! 🙂

Author: Álvaro Cereceda

Spanish version

Originally published at on January 9, 2023.

