IRBIS Token Pioneering a Purpose-Driven Revolution in Crypto

8 min readJan 23, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies, one project stands out as a beacon of innovation and purpose — the IRBIS Token. Far beyond being a mere digital asset, IRBIS represents the intersection of financial ingenuity and a noble mission. This article takes a comprehensive dive into the multifaceted facets of IRBIS Token, unraveling its origins, its unique features, and the transformative impact it aspires to make within the crypto space.

A Visionary Mission:

Central to the identity of IRBIS Token is its integral role in the Snow Leopard Charity Foundation’s mission. In stark contrast to traditional assets tethered to securities and precious metals, IRBIS embodies principles of simplicity, integrity, and transparency within the crypto domain. Beyond the realm of financial gains, IRBIS is on a dedicated quest to safeguard endangered Snow Leopards in their natural habitats. It beckons individuals to join a community where financial innovation converges with a noble mission, thereby ensuring the preservation of animals and their ecosystems.

The Foundation:

The Snow Leopard Charity Foundation acts as the driving force behind IRBIS Token, uniting internet users across the globe in a shared ecosystem of goodwill and growth. IRBIS, the foundation’s token, distinguishes itself through its commitment to simplicity, honesty, and transparency. Participants in the project are empowered to choose their roles — be it as a community member, volunteer, donor, sponsor, investor, trader, or more. The foundation’s ethos revolves around mutual partnership, fostering collaboration across various projects, platforms, and companies.


At the core of IRBIS Token lies a meticulously designed tokenomics structure. Token distribution unfolds across various phases, encompassing pre-sale, public sale, team allocations, foundation reserves, marketing and PR, legal compliance, and airdrops. This strategic approach ensures a delicate equilibrium between investor interests and the overarching goals of the foundation. Operating on the BEP20 Token standard, IRBIS not only showcases financial prowess but also aligns with a commitment to preserving the endangered Snow Leopard, making it a truly unique entity within the crypto landscape.

A Graceful Ballet of Token Distribution

In the intricate dance of tokenomics, IRBIS Token unveils a carefully choreographed unlocking mechanism, ensuring a harmonious balance between investor interests and the project’s long-term vision. Let’s explore the elegance of how the IRBIS tokens gracefully unlock across various categories:

Pre-sale/ICO: 21% The initial movements begin with a 21% allocation, where 1% gracefully unlocks during the pre-sale, setting the stage for the main performance. The remaining 20% follows suit during the ICO on exchange, creating a seamless transition from anticipation to execution.

Public Sale: 30% A crescendo of excitement accompanies the public sale, with 30% of the total saleable tokens taking center stage during the initial listing on cryptocurrency exchanges. The remaining tokens join the spotlight over the next 24 months, a gradual unveiling influenced by market dynamics, ensuring no later than this carefully orchestrated period.

Team: 10% The team, an essential ensemble in this performance, sees 20% of their tokens gracefully unlock during the initial exchange listing. The subsequent acts unfold quarterly, with 20% of the remaining tokens revealing themselves over the course of a year, a testament to sustained dedication.

Foundation: 25% The foundation’s role is pivotal, marked by a 20% token unlocking during the initial exchange listing. The remaining 80% harmoniously unveil in equal proportions over four quarters, symbolizing stability and steadfast commitment.

Marketing and PR: 10% A well-planned sequence unfolds for marketing and PR, where 60% of the tokens elegantly unlock during the initial exchange listing. The second listing witnesses the emergence of another 20%, while the remaining 20% reside in reserve, ready to gracefully unlock as needed, ensuring flexibility and adaptability.

Legal and Compliance: 3.5% In the regulatory ballet, the unlocking of 3.5% occurs with precision, a decision made by the project team, intricately tied to ongoing situations and anticipated actions. This careful consideration reflects the project’s commitment to compliance and legal integrity.

AirDrops: 0.5% In a whimsical and unpredictable solo, the AirDrops take the stage with a complete unlocking, a performance with no specified timeframe. The discretion of the project team guides this act, adding an element of surprise and spontaneity.

As the curtains rise on IRBIS Token’s token unlocking ballet, each movement is meticulously crafted, showcasing a commitment to transparency, investor trust, and the fluidity of adaptation in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.

A Unique Space in Crypto:

IRBIS occupies a distinctive space within the vast cryptocurrency landscape. Its vision seamlessly integrates finance with a noble mission, aspiring not only to save the Snow Leopard from extinction but also to create substantial value for the ecosystem and the global community. Those investing in IRBIS aren’t merely participating in a financial venture; they are actively contributing to the protection of Snow Leopards in their natural habitats, making a meaningful impact beyond the world of finance.

Navigating a Purposeful Roadmap

The roadmap of IRBIS Token outlines its journey through three pivotal phases, each marked by significant milestones. From project inception and token assembly to website launch, white paper release, KYC, and pre-sales, the project gains momentum. As it progresses through ICO/listing, partnerships with marketing agencies, Certik audit, CEX listings, and community growth, IRBIS solidifies its position as a force to be reckoned with. Phase 3 sees sustained efforts, additional partnerships, collaborations, community governance, and the implementation of voting systems, showcasing IRBIS’s commitment to long-term impact and sustainability.

Phase 1: Project Inception

  • Project Inception: The visionary concept of IRBIS Token is conceived, setting the stage for a unique fusion of financial ingenuity and environmental responsibility.
  • IRBIS Token Assembled: The development team brings the token to fruition, crafting its code with precision to align seamlessly with the project’s objectives.
  • Website Live: The digital presence of IRBIS takes shape, providing a platform for information dissemination and community engagement.
  • Social Media Prepared: Strategic setup of social media channels lays the foundation for building an engaged and supportive community.
  • White Paper Release: The comprehensive white paper is unveiled, detailing the project’s mission, tokenomics, and the roadmap ahead.

Phase 2: Growth and Expansion

  • KYC — IDO Presales: KYC procedures are implemented, signaling the beginning of IDO presales, allowing early adopters to participate in the project.
  • ICO/Listing: The token becomes public through either an ICO or listing on crypto exchanges, marking a pivotal moment in its market presence.
  • 2500+ Holders: The community gains momentum, with over 2500 holders contributing to the growing ecosystem.
  • CMC & CG Listing: IRBIS achieves listings on CoinMarketCap (CMC) and CoinGecko (CG), gaining credibility in the wider crypto community.
  • Trendings: The project gains traction, becoming a trending topic within the crypto space and attracting a broader audience.
  • Partnership with Marketing Agencies: Strategic alliances with marketing agencies amplify outreach efforts, ensuring widespread visibility.
  • Certik Audit: A thorough audit by Certik is conducted, bolstering security measures and building trust among investors.
  • CEX Listings: IRBIS secures listings on centralized exchanges, expanding accessibility and liquidity.
  • 5000+ Holders: The community continues to grow, surpassing the milestone of 5000 holders.
  • Further Marketing Efforts: Continued marketing campaigns maintain visibility and attract new participants.

Phase 3: Sustained Impact

  • Additional Partnerships and Collaborations: IRBIS solidifies its position through ongoing partnerships and collaborations that align with its mission.
  • Community Governance and Voting Systems: Empowering the community through governance mechanisms, allowing token holders to actively participate in decision-making processes.

This calculated roadmap illustrates IRBIS Token’s strategic approach to growth, with each phase building upon the successes of the previous. The roadmap isn’t merely a timeline; it’s a blueprint for success in merging financial innovation with environmental responsibility. As IRBIS progresses through these calculated phases, it not only establishes itself as a force within the crypto world but also cements its commitment to the preservation of endangered species.

Embarking on a Journey of Purpose and Profits with IRBIS Token!

We are delighted to share the exhilarating news that our cosmic voyage continues! IRBIS Token has not only successfully navigated through the pre-sale phase but is now set to soar higher as it launches its Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) on the esteemed CoinsBit exchange.

Seize the moment to become a part of this triumphant journey and unlock the potential for lucrative gains! IRBIS, not just a token but a beacon of purpose, aligns its mission with the Snow Leopard Charitable Foundation. This foundation stands as a bastion of commitment towards the preservation and protection of the snow leopard, an animal teetering on the brink of endangerment.

IRBIS, the BEP-20 token, encapsulates the essence of this noble cause. When you invest in the IRBIS token, you’re not just making a financial move; you are contributing to the mission of the Snow Leopard Charitable Foundation, actively participating in the preservation of the snow leopard (IRBIS). With only approximately 6,000 of these majestic creatures left in the world, your investment becomes a crucial step towards securing their future.

Currently, the circulating supply of IRBIS tokens stands at a mere 1% of the maximum supply. Moreover, 50% of the team’s tokens (7,000,000 IRBIS) are securely locked until January 15, 2025, reflecting a commitment to stability and long-term vision. In preparation for the Token Sale, 20% of the maximum supply (140,000,000 IRBIS) has been earmarked, creating an opportunity for investors to engage with this purpose-driven project.

The countdown to the IRBIS Token Sale is a journey into a future where purpose meets profit. Join us on this expedition, and together, let’s make a difference in the preservation of the endangered snow leopard. Your participation in the IRBIS community is not just an investment; it’s a commitment to the harmonious coexistence of financial prosperity and environmental responsibility. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this incredible venture — where every token represents a step towards a sustainable and compassionate world.


IRBIS Token isn’t merely a digital currency; it’s a commitment to forging a better, sustainable future. As investors and enthusiasts join the IRBIS community, they contribute to a narrative where vision converges with purpose, fostering positive change for both the financial ecosystem and the preservation of endangered species. IRBIS Token stands tall as an embodiment of empowerment, purpose, and environmental responsibility in the vast and dynamic realm of cryptocurrencies.

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Author :

BTT Username : Redcar
Profile link :;u=3243082
Telegram Name : @Redcar003
BSC/ETH : 0x15c42bD51727cd0c768eecf11a2e1cCF4a43Ee46

