Yield24: Revolutionizing DeFi with Liquid Staking Governance Tokens

2 min readJan 16, 2024


Governance tokens are the backbone of DeFi growth, exemplified by MakerDao, Aave, Lido, and Compound. Y24 emerges as a pioneer, offering rare governance with liquid staking tokens, redefining decentralized finance.

Distinguishing Features:

Y24 transcends as more than an L2 bridge, allowing reinvestment for maximum yield across lending, borrowing, leverage staking, governance, and trenches, promising up to a staggering 56% yield. This unique approach positions Y24 distinctively in the competitive DeFi landscape.

Optimizing On-Chain Assets:

Y24 unleashes the potential to optimize BNB, ETH, BTC, and stable coins at the consensus layer, introducing LRT native yield tokens for diverse DeFi applications, including RWA’s, securitization, trenches, staking, and lending/borrowing protocols.

Liquid Staking:

A Paradigm Shift: Liquid staking at Y24 introduces a paradigm shift, offering passive income without locking up assets. This innovative approach diverges from traditional staking models, ensuring users contribute to proof-of-stake blockchains’ security seamlessly.

Strategic Partnership and Borrow/Lending Utility:

Embarking on a strategic partnership with BENQI, Y24 aims to catalyze the evolution of the sAVAX ecosystem. The Borrow/Lending utility, launching with Aave, positions Y24 as a capital-efficient and transparent platform. The ongoing development of a Leverage tool emphasizes Y24’s commitment to competitiveness.

Bitcoin Staking Protocol:

Y24 ventures into Bitcoin staking, allowing users to enhance PoS chain security and earn yields through a trustless mechanism. This forward-looking protocol enables users to stake bitcoins without direct connections to PoS chains.

Diverse Tranches and Delegated Staking:

The Y24 model features diverse tranches mirroring underlying exposures, from the least risky (AAA) super senior to the most lucrative (BB). Users can delegate holdings in staking pools for additional rewards, creating multiple avenues for generating passive income.

Community Governance and Access:

Yield24 operates under community governance, fostering engagement through forum discussions and Snapshot voting. Proposals by the CORE carry binding authority with a quorum, ensuring a democratic decision-making process. Y24 addresses user frustration by partnering with a reputable bridge, providing unlimited access to the entire crypto space.


Y24’s groundbreaking approach to governance, liquid staking, and diversified offerings solidifies its standing in the DeFi ecosystem. With a commitment to innovation, strategic partnerships, and community-driven governance, Y24 is poised to lead the evolution of decentralized finance into new frontiers. The integration of liquid staking on BNB further cements its position as a trailblazer in the DeFi landscape. As users eagerly anticipate Y24’s future developments, the platform stands as a beacon of progress in the ever-evolving world of decentralized finance.

For more information about Yield24. to Connect

Project’s website- https://y24.io/

Twitter page- https://twitter.com/Y24io

Telegram group- https://t.me/y24io_official

Discord Group- https://discord.com/invite/5weY9EWZ

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yield24io/

Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/@Yield24io

Medium- https://y24io.medium.com/

Reddit- https://www.reddit.com/user/Yield24

Author Details:

BTT Nmae: Redcar

Proof of Authentication- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5480432.msg63442318#msg63442318

BSC/ETH : 0x15c42bD51727cd0c768eecf11a2e1cCF4a43Ee46

