Yield24 (Y24) Maximizing DeFi Opportunities Through Liquid Staking and Governance Tokens

3 min readJan 25, 2024


Introduction: The decentralized finance (DeFi) space continues to evolve, with innovative projects pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in optimizing on-chain assets. Yield24 (Y24) emerges as a distinctive player in this field, offering a unique blend of liquid staking and governance tokens. In this article, we explore how Y24 enables users to optimize assets such as BNB, ETH, BTC, and stable coins at the consensus layer, providing native yield tokens for a wide range of DeFi applications.

Liquid Staking with BNB: Yield24 introduces BNB Liquid Staking, allowing users to stake their BNB tokens through carefully chosen validator nodes. This process generates yBNB tokens, BEP-20 reward-earning tokens that are sent directly to the user’s wallet. The protocol incorporates a daily rebasing mechanism, ensuring consistent distribution of staking rewards. Consequently, users witness a daily increment in their yBNB balance, reflecting the accruing staking rewards.

Integration of Liquid Staking Platforms: Y24 takes a comprehensive approach by integrating two Liquid Staking Platforms and validators on the BNB Chain. This strategic integration enhances the efficiency and security of the staking process, providing users with a seamless and rewarding experience.

Governance Tokens for DeFi Growth: Governance tokens have proven to be pivotal in the growth of DeFi applications, with notable examples like MakerDao, Aave, Lido, and Compound boasting multi-billion-dollar market caps. Y24 distinguishes itself by offering rare governance with liquid staking tokens, setting it apart from other projects in the space. This unique feature positions Y24 as not just an L2 bridge but as a platform that facilitates reinvestment for maximum yield through lending, borrowing, leverage staking, governance, and trenches, offering an impressive yield of up to 56%.

Potential for Price Surge: Drawing parallels with successful governance tokens like MakerDao, Y24 stands poised for significant growth. With a market cap potentially surging by 500%, Y24’s innovative approach to liquid staking and governance tokens could propel it into the upper echelons of the DeFi landscape.

Conclusion: Yield24 represents a cutting-edge DeFi project, combining the benefits of liquid staking and governance tokens to offer users a diverse range of opportunities. As the project continues to integrate advanced features and capitalize on the potential for substantial yield, Y24 stands as a noteworthy player in the dynamic and rapidly evolving world of decentralized finance.

For more information about Yield24. to Connect

Project’s website- https://y24.io/

Twitter page- https://twitter.com/Y24io

Telegram group- https://t.me/y24io_official

Discord Group- https://discord.com/invite/5weY9EWZ

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/yield24io/

Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/@Yield24io

Medium- https://y24io.medium.com/

Reddit- https://www.reddit.com/user/Yield24

Author Details:

BTT Nmae: Redcar

Proof of Authentication- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5480432.msg63442318#msg63442318

BSC/ETH : 0x15c42bD51727cd0c768eecf11a2e1cCF4a43Ee46

