21 Bodyweight Cardio Exercises You Can Do Anywhere


What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say, “cardio”? Running, elliptical, cycling, walking? Right? Well, many are not fans of such cardio. Instead, I’m going to introduce you to 21 of my favorite bodyweight cardio exercises. These are beneficial when I have zero equipment and an extremely small space to work with.

Let’s get started.

  1. Walkout
  2. Alternating Fast Feet
  3. Burpee
  4. Squat Jump
  5. Split Jump
  6. Jumping Jack
  7. Plank Jack
  8. Pushback Push-Up
  9. Low Box Runner
  10. In-And-Out Squat
  11. High-Knee Run
  12. Butt-Kick Run
  13. Mountain Climber
  14. Diagonal Mountain Climber
  15. Skater Jump
  16. Sprinter Skip
  17. Running Lunge
  18. Step-Up Jump
  19. Alternating Step-Up Jump
  20. Single-Leg Swing
  21. Break Dancer

Originally published at www.reedswellnessandfitnesstraining.com on March 1, 2018.



Joshua Reed - Personal Trainer + Nutrition Coach

Joshua Reed is a certified online & in-person personal trainer, certified nutrition coach and owner of Wellness with Joshua