13 things you can relate to if you are a Bibliophile

Reema D'souza
3 min readSep 7, 2016


Reading is one of the best hobbies one can have. There are a lot of advantages of reading books. Well I won’t go on about the benefits of reading books. But here are a few things that book lovers would agree to.

1. The best holidays are the days spent with books.

Eat, sleep, read repeat is one of the best ways to spend a holiday. But for you it is read, read, read!

2. A book is the best present that someone can give you on your birthday


3. You hate movie adaptations of books

Why oh why! Everything was so perfect until the movie happened. Movies never do justice to the book. And well there are people who say, “Why read the book when it will be made into a movie?” How I wish the earth would swallow them up.

4. Anything can be a bookmark

Bills, notes, price tags, a piece of paper and well yes actual bookmarks. All these can be bookmarks. Anything but dog earing the books!

5. You can forego food, drinks and sleep for a book

Yes! When you are reading a really interesting book, sleep doesn’t matter. You can be a zombie the next day at work or at college. It is all worth eat. And food. Well even if Mum prepares your favourite dish, you will still relish that book!

6. When you finish reading a book it takes time for you to get over it.

“Why did he have to die?” “What happened to them after that?” You may have completed the book but you will still live in the world of that book.

7. But that is only until you begin the next.

Another book, another story, another world.

8. Soft copies maybe there but what you prefer are books you can smell!

Soft copies are alright. But you need books you can hold, smell and caress like a baby! Books are your babies. Speaking of which, you first smell a book before reading it. The smell of books is the world’s best fragrance for you! You smell a book before you read it. You need books, real books with paper.

9. You carry a book wherever you go

There is always a book in your bag. You never feel lonely because you have books for company. Some people may think that you are a loner and it must be sad for you to be alone. But hey! Books are your best friends! You learn, you travel with books.

10. You want to live in a bookstore or a library

If someone asks you how your dream home would be like, your description would suit a bookshop or a library!

11. And when you find another book when you are already reading one- the struggle you go through!

You are already reading a book and then you find another book which you badly wanted to read. What do you do? Do you give up on the one you are reading? Do you wait?

12. If someone disturbs you when you are reading a book, God save them!

You love spending your own sweet time with books and if someone comes and disturbs you while reading a book, then God save them! There is no wrath greater than that of yours if you forced to come out of the world of books.

13.You have probably hidden a novel within a textbook while studying for exams.

Been there, done that you say? Then you are my best friend. Exam time means more novel reading time. The only advantage of those hefty textbooks is that you can hide most of your novels and read them without others noticing. Or you have read in the dark.

So these are the things a book lover can relate to. Did you relate with this post? Do you have more things to add? Then make sure you let me know about it in the comments.

Originally published at reemadsouza.com on September 7, 2016.

