#AtoZChallenge : Kairos

Reema D'souza
3 min readApr 12, 2018



Nothing seemed right and everything that I did seemed to go the wrong way. Life was a mess. It often happens that you try to keep yourself strong, you tell yourself that everything is going to be alright. But whatever happens, every single thing that happens seems to tell you otherwise. My life had become like that. There seemed to be no order. It was just a random series of unfortunate happenings that often made me question if the life that I was living was worth anything.

Life went on and it kept getting worse. That day was yet another one of those days of feeling sad over my life, but I didn’t know that day would be different. I’d finished work a little earlier and hence decided to go to the park by the lake. I felt a little at peace. There was always a sense of calm that swept over me when I was surrounded by nature. I knew I should do this more often but I seemed to have no control over my life. Control of my life, that was something that I didn’t have. But why was it so? I had no answer.

I didn’t know what brought about this realization, but I knew that an answer to this question would solve a lot of my problems. Life hadn’t been fair to me, but I hadn’t made an attempt to set things right. A few things I still couldn’t accept. but a few others I had accepted. Instead of moving on or trying to make them better I had held on to them. It was as if I’d become used to all the negativity. I had become comfortable there for feeling sorry for things seemed like an easier thing to do than taking charge of my life.

But I knew that had to change. I knew there were decisions that I had to make. I knew I had to take charge. Though I didn’t know how I’d sort it all out, I knew I had to start somewhere. I took a deep breath for the fresh air only seemed to do me good and I knew that life wasn’t a total disaster like I had made it out to be. Maybe this was my kairos moment. Maybe this was the beginning of making things right!I had to set myself free!

Kairos : the favourable moment for decision or action

Origin : Greek

I’m participating in the A to Z Challenge again this year. This is my third time participating in the challenge. I’m going with the theme of “Rare, unusual and beautiful words from various languages”


Originally published at The Write World.

