METROPOLY: The Future Blockchain Of Real Estate In Here, And Build Passive Income

Reeve Sansum
5 min readOct 31, 2022

Real estate has always been considered a safe and reliable investment. However, financing has typically been difficult to obtain, with mortgages requiring large down payments and rigorous credit checks. This inhibits a large segment of the population from being able to invest in real estate.

Enter blockchain technology, which enables fractional ownership of real estate using Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). NFTs are unique digital assets that can be traded on the blockchain at low fees, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Metropoly marketplace is an Ethereum-based platform that provides a safe, decentralized environment where individuals can buy and sell tokenized fractions of real estate without the need for banks.

The decentralized nature of the platform also provides data security, transparency, and immutability. Data privacy is protected through advanced cryptography, so all users’ personal information is not at risk. These features allow for more flexibility in how transactions and loans are made.

There are also benefits for traditional investors: by increasing liquidity in the market and enabling peer-to-peer lending between investors and property owners, Metropoly helps to lower the barrier to entry for investing in real estate.

What is Metropoly?

Metropoly is a blockchain real estate platform that simplifies the process of buying and selling real estate. This platform combining two of the hottest trends in the world today: cryptocurrencies and real estate. With Metropoly, you can buy real estate assets on the blockchain and benefit from fractional investing. It offers investors a way to buy and sell luxury properties, while also offering monthly incomes.

Users can connect their wallets with Metamask or Trust Wallet and create their Metropoly account in seconds. The holder or investor can also use the built-in exchange function to instantly buy, sell, or exchange NFTs. The world’s most popular cities are available as NFTs on Metropoly.

Real estate investments are available in major cities like New York City, London, and Tokyo. Even users who live in smaller cities like Montreal, Rome, and Berlin have the opportunity to purchase properties in town through the platform’s convenient marketplace.

The system allows for purchasing property from as little as $100 USD, making it an accessible option for even those with a small budget. Property tokens can be exchanged instantly for ETH or other cryptocurrencies via the built-in exchange feature. Tokens can also be purchased using fiat currencies at competitive rates against ETH through third-party exchanges such as Coinbase.

Buying a property to make cash flow can be an expensive, time-consuming process. But with Metropoly, it’s easy and affordable! Start investing in real estate today!

Features of Metropoly NFTs Marketplace, Buy and Sell Real-Estate NFTs

The future of real estate is here. The blockchain technology will revolutionize the way that we buy, sell and rent homes. At Metropoly Real Estate, have been working hard to create a new NFT marketplace in which users can diversify their portfolios by purchasing fractions of different properties instead of allocating 100% of their capital to a single property.

This ecosystem plan to offer a variety of Real Estate NFTs such as apartments, single and multi-family houses, penthouses, and villas from different countries around the world.

The possibilities are endless at Metropoly Real Estate!

With the goal of building a world where all Real Estate can be tokenized and traded in a secure decentralized environment, Metropoly is developing the first fully functional NFTs Marketplace on the Ethereum blockchain. With security and reliability at its core, Metropoly boasts a simple user interface that enables users to buy and sell their assets in a secure manner.

The vision of the Metropoly team is to tokenize real estate across the globe in order to open it up to more people. This platform believe that once have completely digitized Real Estate, it will enable a secondary market for trading these assets like trading shares in the stock market.

A large part of mission at Metropoly is to help enable people to make money as passive investors by purchasing fractions of these Real Estate assets. With main goal is to offer a variety of Real Estate NFTs such as apartments, single and multi-family houses, penthouses, and villas from different countries around the world.

How To Started In Metropoly

Welcome to the world of Metropoly. It is a world of real-estate development where you can take on the role of an investor and make money off of your investment. To start building your real estate portfolio in Metropoly, follow these three simple steps:

First, buy Metropoly token ($METRO). $METRO is the currency used in the platform and will allow you to gain exclusive access to new developments and rewards.

The more you buy in, the more perks you unlock. These perks will never be available again. Below, here is step how you start in Metroppoly:

  • Step 1 is Connect your Wallet. Connect your wallet with Metamask or Trust Wallet in seconds.
  • Step 2 is Enter the amount. The minimum investment is $100 and you can choose between USDT and ETH.
  • Step 3 is Confirm Your Transaction. Congratulations! You can claim your metro after the fair launch concludes.



👉 Metropoly token ($METRO) PRESALE

Finally, Metropoly offers secure, safe and low cost of real estate investment in blockchain

The Metropoly Real Estate NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain represent gamechangers for the industry. With its immutable ledger, secure & transparent transactions and tokenized assets, Metropoly offers an unparalleled, safe and cost-effective method of real estate investment.

Your monthly rental income is dependent on the NFTs you hold. It’s their value and your return on investment that raise with time. Once you are enrolled to the Metropoly tenant insurance program, those values will keep rising and make your life of passive income-generating easier.

For more information, get update with useful link below:



Username: Reeve Sansum
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BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0xAAa9D01f629c973F09B1D482938fab415Aaa6124

