500 curators, 5,000 links, 6 months — Interesting stats from RefreshBox and 1 insight we loved

2 min readJul 16, 2015


  1. We have seen a 60% unique open rate of the emails our curators sent.

2. 20% is the click rate.

3. These are the most popular sites among our curators (i.e. how many different curators curated a URL at least once; check out the blue bars on the left):

4. More than 5,000 different URLs were curated using RefrehBox, below is a chart of the number of times a URL was curated by different curators:

5. Combining the number of times the top 10 URLs were shared through the different weekly editions (under a single newsletter there are many weekly editions sent by the curator, a curator may have shared a URL more than once), at least one of them was shared in almost half of the weekly editions sent via RefreshBox.

6. However, looking at the total clicks from the different newsletters to the different sites, less than 13% of them were to one of the top 10 sites.

What we have learned

While we weren’t surprised from the top 10 sites curated via RefreshBox, as these are popular sites and they fit the profile of our thinking users, we were a bit surprised to see so many different URLs (you can call them small) curated by our curators, and even more surprised to see the clicks on these links. It made us think about our service as one that gives exposure to the important, big sites, but also, or mainly, gives people exposure the long-tail of the Internet, without the noise. We’d love to get your feedback and insights.

