Tommy Robinson: Why always me?

Regressive Left Media
2 min readMar 15, 2019


Yesterday, the eternal victim and convicted fraudster Stephen “Tommy Robinson” Lennon was removed from a pub in Cambridge by Police. He was issued with a dispersal notice which gives a police officer the power to request that a member of the public remove themselves from the locality (or face arrest) if it’s considered that both have occurred or are likely to occur:

(a) members of the public in the locality being harassed, alarmed or distressed, or

(b) the occurrence in the locality of crime or disorder.

While vindictive policing can’t be ruled out — Robinson has been convicted of assaulting a Police Officer and his EDL footsoliders have previously clashed with Cambridge Police — it is unclear from the video what (if anything) pre-empted the dispersal order. I’d suspect it’s due to Lennon’s history of criminality and violent football hooliganism and the bad blood existing between Tommy’s MIGS and the local Cambridge hooligan firm. Robinson, who is serving a football ban due to his antics during Euro 2016 evidently was in that pub as his MIGS of Luton Town were playing Cambridge that day.

Formerly of the openly racist and neo-Nazi BNP the fake “Tommy Robinson” takes his pseudonymn from the notorious Luton MIG “top boy” the real Tommy Robinson who wrote two books on his violent history inside the MIG’s. In the early days of the EDL Robinson/Lennon used his contacts within the violent and often pro-fascist world of British football hooliganism to forge alliances with Casuals United; a collective of British-wide football hooligans united in anti-Muslim hate.

The presence of a celebrity rival hooligan is compounded by the fact that recent meetings between Cambridge and Luton Town have been violent affairs, which has seen death threats, missiles thrown, assaults on Police and multiple arrests. Over this period of tension Robinson has been convicted of instigating and leading a mass-brawl, involving over 100 rival fans in which he was chanting “EDL Til I Die!”.

The law is an affront to personable liberty but it was reasonable for the Cambridgeshire Police to conclude that Robinson’s presence in that or any Cambridge pub could lead to disorder.

