PinnedRegardsKikiHow I Lost 30Lbs in One Day or What Happens When You Discover a 25lb Pelvic Mass/Ovarian CystHonest documentation of the physical and emotional toll of discovering and having surgery to remove a large, 25lb, 33cm ovarian cyst.Jun 7, 20222Jun 7, 20222
RegardsKikiCrafting the Perfect Meeting: Lessons from Peloton’s PlaybookIn the world of work, emotional intelligence (EQ) is the buzzword that often orbits discussions about effective leadership and team…Feb 20Feb 20
RegardsKikiPerhaps the most provocative quote from the NYTimes Profile on the Team behind Artificial…“OpenAI executives said the company was not immediately releasing the image description part of the technology because they were unsure how…Mar 16, 2023Mar 16, 2023
RegardsKiki5 Winning Tiger Mom Tactics for the Biden CampaignHow do you come back from #YouAintBlack? You print the damned t-shirts yourself.May 24, 2020May 24, 2020