Reign FC Legend: Beth Knox

Reign FC
3 min readJul 21, 2017

The Legends campaign, a partnership between Seattle Reign FC and Avanade, honors women for their extraordinary contributions in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. Prior to the match against Sky Blue FC this Saturday, the club will recognize President and CEO of the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games, Beth Knox.

“We all made our way on the backs of those who came before us, and those who broke down barriers so we could have new opportunities,” said Knox. “It is important to tell the stories of people who helped build our community and made it special for the next generation.”

Knox began her career with Seafair, a festival focused on building community. As Seattle’s largest festival, Seafair is a ten-week long event reaching more than two-million people. During her time with Seafair, Knox held multiple roles at the premier arts, music, and cultural non-profit organization.

“At that time at Seafair, we all had a hand in every aspect of the event,” said Knox. “From sales to operations to press releases, we wore many hats. I realized I loved the adrenaline, chaos and pace of wearing many hats, and never looked back.”

That pace and adrenaline is also found in sports, and Knox doesn’t think the similarities between sports and her work end there.

“The parallels between events and sports are numerous,” said Knox. “There is no success without passion, teamwork, problem-solving, commitment to hard work, and high expectations.”


Knox has since transitioned into the sports industry, serving as the President and CEO of the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games. The USA Games will look to bring awareness to health education, and promote a community-wide initiative of diversity and inclusion.

“It’s an incredible honor to bring an event of this stature to Seattle, and I have thoroughly enjoyed utilizing my network of colleagues, friends and partners to be part of it,” said Knox. “The Special Olympics USA Games will showcase the abilities and spirit of our athletes, while transforming the lives of those who volunteer, support or cheer on those athletes. How lucky am I to be part of it?”

The USA Games will feature over 3,500 athletes competing in 14 sports. Knox believes the city of Seattle will celebrate and embrace the event.

“Seattle is a passionate and loyal community,” said Knox. “People here unite and rally behind the teams that represent our great city.”

Two of those teams the city rallies around are the Seattle Storm and Reign FC. Knox appreciates the model these two professional women’s sports teams provide, and the unique community the city has formed around the teams.

“People of all ages rely on others to model themselves after, and it’s critical our role models are representative of all genders,” said Knox. “Having a professional women’s sports team in our community showcases the value of female empowerment, strength and leadership. I couldn’t be more proud our city has the Seattle Reign FC and the Seattle Storm within our professional sports teams.”

Working to produce the games has provided many amazing moments for Knox. It has also helped her make strides towards one of her many goals, to empower young women to follow their passions.

“Recently a female athlete from Special Olympics Washington told me she wanted to improve her leadership skills and was using me as a role model,” said Knox. “I was humbled I could serve in that capacity, and it motivated me to encourage young women of all abilities to push to their full potential.”



Reign FC

Reign FC is a founding member of the nine-team National Women’s Soccer League. #LetItReign