The Rein Project

The Definitive Bitcoin Freelance Market

3 min readFeb 16, 2017

What if we told told you that there is a solution to the risks involved in using freelance job boards, the unreasonable fees and the often dreadful delays in payment?

Something that is easy and simple to use, faster, cheaper and more reliable than the major alternatives?

Something that is going to allow you to safely hire, work and trade for Bitcoins, in a way that maintains your privacy, while also securing the deal?

Rein is the solution:

  1. We have better escrow. Two-of-three signature release on funds, with independent mediators, guaranteeing that you’re working with actual people, rather than a corporate dispute management protocol.
  2. Very affordable. The only fees involved are the mediator’s fee (usually 1% of the transaction value), and BTC transaction fees, which are marginal.
  3. Simple. — We aim at making everything as easy to use as possible, so that both clients and freelancers can focus on what they want to do: business.
  4. We operate transparently — All of our code is Open Source, and available on github, and anyone can open a Rein node to add to the network.
  5. No contractual obligations to us. Unlike many other platforms, we don’t impose any legal limits or requirements on our users. You can, very literally, do as you please.

Here’s some of our newest developments:

  • Easy Setup: Previously you had to generate and enter two bitcoin addresses and keys to use Rein. Now, a BIP39 mnemonic is generated and used to create a BIP 32 keychain — easy to backup and store offline as well. In short: it’s all done for you.
  • Increased security: Proof of identity, payments, and escrows are managed with subkeys. And our website is now served via HTTPS
  • Ease of use: No more copy-pasting keys, scripts, or addresses — Rein builds all payments transactions, and broadcasts them into the Bitcoin network.
  • Identity protocol v1: The foundation of a reputation management system based on a secure identifier that’s tied to the keychain.
  • Open to developers: Our Vagrant-based development environment makes it easy for developers to contribute.

Upcoming additions include:

  • Trust scoring: Improvements to the reputation management system, so you can instantly know who’s trustworthy, and who isn’t.
  • I10n: The interface will soon be translated into Russian, Hindi, Filipino, Latvian, and Spanish.
  • Ratings system: Get an overview of other user’s performance at fulfilling contracts.
  • Mobile application: On the go? You’ll be able to use Rein to post jobs and bid on them regardless of where you are.

So if you’re looking to hire, or work, for Bitcoins, you’re welcome to try out Rein.

Simply click here to go to the project’s website, download the app, and start using it right away.

If you’d like to follow the project’s development, follow us on medium, twitter, and come join us on IRC: #Rein @


David Sterry
Founder of the Rein project

PS. Rein is, in fact, being used to accelerate building itself. All of the work for newest developments were done by working individually with 2 devs and 5 translators paid collectively 1.2 BTC.

Just imagine what could be done with more funding. Which is why we’re looking to partner with other BTC-related projects.

