Reinventing Carrie
3 min readDec 3, 2015

What Every Woman Should Have

Feminisims Newest Crusader


Feminisims Newest Crusader, Jennifer Lawerence

Jennifer Lawerences letter in regards to being paid less than her male co stars was important for so many reasons but as a mother it makes me rethink the way I have raised my daughter. The truth is she didn’t ask for more because she didn’t want to seem difficult, because she wanted to be liked and in the end she is also to blame for that. If we don’t demand to be paid as much than we are at fault too. Their job is to get you for the least amount of money as possible, it is your job to get what you are worth. Now with that said women should get paid the same as any man doing the same job, period but truth be told men are more aggressive at negotating than we are. They will walk away while we try to be ‘fair’ or a ‘team player’. Let’s face it they needed Jennifer for that part if she did as her male co stars and demanded more money she probably would have gotten it but we all know the story that follows. ‘Jennifer Lawerence is too big for (insert amount) refusing to get out of bed for less then (insert amount)’ not Jennifer refuses too get paid less than Bradley Cooper.

We raise our daughters to be compliant to a degree, be polite, be a lady and always have a smile my question is are we in turn raising them to accept less? When a women is strong or takes a stand she is a bitch. When a man cheats on his wife (insert Clintons), the wife is ridiculed for staying because she is trying to further her career, wait why are we upset with her she didn’t cheat. An older man dates a younger woman and no one bats an eye, we don’t have a name for him, oh but we call her a gold digger. An older woman dates a younger man and she is a Cougar, what to we call him? Oh wait nothing, we don’t call him a gold digger or a whore. We get angry we are emotional or PMS but when a man gets angry he’s going to get things done. We cry we are weak, he cries he is strong because he was able to show that emotion? Our daughters need to know they deserve more and they have to take the stand and get more. Playing nice has gotten us on average $0.78 for of every $1.50 a man makes for the same job. Its time to stop playing nice and start looking out for us which is hard because lets face it we are the ‘caretakers’ but maybe it is time to take care of ourselves. Get this, not only do we get paid less but we are essentially taxed higher it’s called the Pink Tax.

Reinventing Carrie

When everything changes and you dont like the woman you see Dress to be the woman you want be #fashion #survivor #reinvention #over40 #style #lifestyle #stlouis