Relation Protocol Announces Staking System For Community Governance

Relation Labs
5 min readJan 19, 2024


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Relation is introducing its Staking System For Relation Protocol Governance, ushering us into a new era of decentralized social protocol governance. Every address involved in the community governance of Relation Protocol is able to earn rewards.

Governance Overview

Each epoch, Relation Protocol Governance is divided into Voting Period and Governing Period. Every address holding $REL tokens can participate in the Voting Period by staking $REL tokens, and potentially become a SubGraph Builder.

The top 99 addresses with the highest staked amounts will finally become SubGraph Builders, contributing to social protocol governance and receiving staking rewards during the epoch.

Each epoch lasts 28 days. The first 27 days are the Governing Period and the last day is the Voting Period. During the Governing Period, all tokens involved in governance are locked. During the Voting Period, all SubGraph Builders have the flexibility to redeem their tokens or continue staking.

Note that only tokens that have been staked can participate in the Snapshot Vote during the governing period. For the first epoch, the initial set of SubGraph Builders will be elected during The 0th Voting. The 0th Voting will start at 4 PM on January 22 (UTC+8) and end at 4 PM on January 29 (UTC+8). Only the 0th voting lasts for 7 days.

Governance Overview

Governance Guidelines

Step 1: You can obtain $REL tokens through airdrops or trading

One can claim via official airdrop link: (beware of phishing links).

One can also click “Buy” to trade on MEXC and transfer $REL to on-chain EOA Wallets .

Click “Buy” To Trade On MEXC

Step 2: During the Voting Period, stake your $REL to participate in the election

Step 2-1 Basic principle

During every Voting Period, all participants can stake or redeem any amount of $REL, with no restrictions on the number of times. The top 99 addresses with the highest stakes will become SubGraph Builders of the current epoch and participate in governance.

It may take several minutes for the staking leaderboard to update, so please show some patience.

Note: If SubGraph Builders from the previous epoch fail to claim their staked amounts and rewards, the sum of their staked amount and all accrued rewards will be automatically transferred to the leaderboard for the current epoch.

Step 2-2 How to stake

Click “Stake” to participate in staking.

Click “Stake” For Staking

If you are participating for the first time, you need to follow the instructions to automatically add the suggested token ($REL Token Contract can be found at here), custom spending cap in the spending cap request, and approve it (using MetaMask as an example).

Custom Spending Cap in the frame, and Approve It

After successful staking, you can view your “Staked Amount” and “Available Balance”. The “Rewards” are generated only during the governance period, and the specific reward amount will be automatically updated and displayed daily.

After Successful Staking

Step 2-3 Voting Results

If you end up ranking within the top 99, you will become a SubGraph Builder and participate in governance. You can obtain the governance reward for the current epoch according to the *Staking Reward Distribution Formula.

If you end up ranking beyond 99, you will not participate in the current governance. You have full control over your stake then.

SubGraph Builder Leaderboard

Step 3: During the Governing Period, Staked Amount is locked and earns $REL rewards

During each Governing Period, elected SubGraph Builders cannot increase or decrease the amount of $REL staked.

From the beginning of the Governing Period, you can expect to receive reward updates daily.

Rights of SubGraph Builders:

  • The SubGraph Builders on the leaderboard (Top 99) are eligible for governance rewards.
  • Only locked tokens by SubGraph Builders have Snapshot voting rights.

*Staking Reward Distribution Formula

Rewards Received By Each SubGraph Builder = Reward For Current Epoch * (Staked Amount By Each SubGraph Builder / Total Staked Amount By All SubGraph Builders)

*Staking Reward Distribution Formula

Rewards For Each Epoch

Epoch 1: 1,000,000 $REL (2024.01.22–2024.02.26)

Epoch 2: 900,000 $REL (2024.02.26–2024.03.25)

Epoch 3: 900,000 $REL (2024.03.25–2024.04.22)

Epoch 4: 800,000 $REL (2024.04.22–2024.05.20)

Epoch 5: 800,000 $REL (2024.05.20–2024.06.17)

Epoch 6: 700,000 $REL (2024.06.17–2024.07.15)

Epoch 7: 700,000 $REL (2024.07.15–2024.08.12)

Epoch 8: 700,000 $REL

Epoch 9: 700,000 $REL

Epoch 10: 700,000 $REL

Epoch 11: 700,000 $REL

Epoch 12: 700,000 $REL

Epoch 13: 700,000 $REL

We’ve designed this system to be clear and user-friendly, encouraging active participation. Enjoy your staking journey!

🧬 About Relation

Relation Protocol is a decentralized social graph protocol for encoding relations in Web3. It creates a blockchain-native data layer through RDF-embedded Semantic SBTs and a standard data format, enabling developers to build decentralized social graphs on blockchain.

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