Israel Deciding on Whether to Salt the Earth

Photo by [2Ni] on Unsplash

Israel’s claimed goal in their war on Gaza has been to root out all of “Hamas”, I put Hamas in quotes because the overwhelming vast majority of casualties shown in photos have been civilians, including an enormous amount of children.

People will say “well what about the Israeli children?” The fact of the matter is those deaths were wrong as well, but at this point we’ve seen more than 10:1 Palestinian deaths to Israeli. So if Israel still wanted sympathy to be on their side, maybe they should’ve responded in a more measured way. If they had “turned the other cheek” such as Christians, who mostly side with Israel in this for some reason, claim we should, maybe they’d still be able to claim the highroad.

But “Israel has the right to defend itself!”. Well, we saw that right after the attack they were able to shut off almost all water, fuel and food to the entire region. So with that amount of unilateral power they could’ve just shut all of that down, and made a perimeter outside the walls of Gaza, already exists, and demanded that all Hamas members be given up by the population. Even that seems like it would’ve been slipping towards “total war”, but it would’ve been more humane than what they’ve done thus far.

So beyond cutting all supplies that they can to the region, besides carpet bombing civilians, to where now an…



Religion and Politics at The Dinner Table

I'm a US expat living abroad. I especially love discussing religion and politics, often in situations that aren't considered polite. L.K. Summer.