Reload Project Weekly Updates (11/28–12/04)

3 min readDec 6, 2019



Reload continues to move forward in gaining awareness of the project and has been listed on Coinpaprika. As you can see, Coinpaprika offers well displayed information about Reload exchange movement.

BeepBop Bot development update

Progress continues on BeepBop, Reloads in-house helper bot. We have integrated BeepBop to detect when certain things are done in certain games, or when a member gets a win, BeepBop will then reward the player in Reload. To date, BeepBop was only capable of rewarding RLD when a player successfully killed a duck in the game Duckhunt.

We have introduced to new games to the reward payout schema.


  • Rock Paper Scissors
  • Coin Flip

As these are games of luck requiring no skill, the rewards will be less than that of the more difficult games.

Our ultimate goal is having a subscription service to use the games, payable in $RLD with payouts not only in $RLD but also other coins that the community votes into the reward schema.

Rock Paper Scissors and Coin Flip will remain free to use.

We will be adding more and more in-house written games, thus adding to the overall gaming eco-system.

More Commands…

We have implemented a lot more commands into the bot,

Displays this message.

$tiprld balance
Displays your RLD wallet balance.

$tiprld deposit
Displays your RLD deposit address.

Displays the exchange information, run $prices grav or $prices altm. to see appropriate exchange information.

Checks that the bot is active.

Lists the games, commands and information about the games that the bot will reward for playing.

Begins a game of coinflip, you must specify “heads” or “tails” after the command. i.e. $cf heads

Begin a game of Rock Paper Scissors, choose the emoji (rock, paper, or scissors) that you want to play. The Bot will automatically (randomly) choose one of the remaining emojis.

$whois <username>
Lists information about the user specified.

As always, if you have a suggestion for a game or other idea please notify us on our social media platforms (listed below).

About Reload

To find out more about Reload please visit our other social channels.





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