How we plan to make spending in London more rewarding

4 min readJun 7, 2019


London is home to tens of thousands of local businesses — from cafes, restaurants to specialty shops. In theory one could spend a lifetime without visiting the same place twice.

Despite that, we end-up shopping, eating and meeting at the same places in the city and this is not happening by chance. The businesses that we visit repeatedly are the ones we enjoy and trust the most. They become part of our daily habits and just like with people after a while this turns into a relationship.

And while you may acknowledge that more than a few businesses are a significant part of your life, the opposite rarely happens. Most restaurants, coffee shops or stores know nothing about the customers who are most important to their business.

You spend at the same places again & again

You still get treated like a stranger

For years you have been visiting a coffee shop near the office. You have proudly recommended it to many people as your go-to place.

After hundreds of interactions, your experience hasn’t changed for the better. Unlike the smart algorithms of Amazon or Netflix, you don’t get served more accurately and your preferences are forgotten the minute your order is complete.

You are not greeted by name and the fact that you have been a loyal supporter is not acknowledged by the staff. Over the years you may have gathered strong opinions about how things could be improved, however your suggestions have the same weight as a fake review over the internet.

Of course it's not that businesses don't want their customers to be appreciated, it simply wasn't possible till very recently. We can’t expect the staff to remember thousands of customers personally, but today's technology have made it possible.

For years businesses have tried to fill the personalization gap with loyalty programs. From the simple stamp card to the complex point currencies that nobody understands.

Nearly all of them have the same problem — they require too much effort from the customer. This might be your 100th purchase, but you have only managed to get two stamps on your loyalty card, therefore you’re not recognized as a loyal customer.

It's too much work to even redeem the rewards you have already earned. A recent study has shown that there are more than $100 Billion of unredeemed loyalty points every year.

Reloyalty is the easiest way to get benefits as a customer. It’s an app that links with your bank account and automatically rewards you when you hit milestones as you spend.

Unlike traditional loyalty programs, It doesn’t require any actions on your side, no stamp cards or QR code scanning.

Our goal is to build 1:1 relationships between people and their favorite brands. The app is a place where you will be appreciated and understood as a customer.

Instead of counting visits and points to determine who is loyal, we have developed a dynamic rating that accurately represents your relationships with businesses in the city — the loyalty rating.

It takes into account many things such as, how long you have been a customer, how often you visit spend and as well as how long you’ve been away. The higher rating will be a key to exclusive benefits and personalization. From cash back on purchases to sentimental gifts and exclusive services.

Living in London? Get early access now

We are actively testing out the app with people all over the city and you can become part of the early adopters community. In addition to using the app, you will be able to take part in discussions and influence the product.

Know someone who would love Reloyalty? Share this post and let them know about it!




Get the perks you deserve as a customer, automatically.