Starting Something New

René Portillo
Jun 17, 2022


What is this?

The bewildering disorientation you get when starting at a new school, the gleeful anticipation of having lunch with a person that might be a match, and the sheepish dread of stepping in an Elden Ring boss arena for the first time. We have been there, and this is where I am at with my writing.

There is self-doubt: “Why am I writing and who is reading?”, “Do I really have something good to say?”. Maybe, no, at the moment I don’t have anything good to say, maybe people will judge me for what I say, or maybe *ghasp* I will be so insignificant that nobody will even have an opinion.

I say let them judge, or not…at least I am here.

What bland writing you say to yourself, dear reader, as you dust your digital feet and click away.

