Renée S.
1 min readAug 16, 2016


Meg, I understand what you mean about ‘dealing’ with people weaker than oneself though I question it generally; yes, that is how the dysfunctional behaviour manifests but as to what underpins it— if it is a lashing out against their own incomprehensible sense of weakness and impotent inability to deal with the root issue, feeding that need to express a destructive kind of malevolence, on others? “Strength” in defense of its inner weakness is not strength, it is impotence. Strength needs nothing but the humility of self-recognition. Bullying is a mark of deeply engrained insecurity and bitter dislocation of the self with itself that comes from abuse of its own, yes. I wonder too that bullying behaviour feeds off a hollow justification and illusion that it gets off scott free — which of course it cannot: the price on the psyche and the soul is paid one way or another over time.

Cultivating societal soullessness is what feeds a beast already feeding off its own hollow victimology in respect pf the larger picture perhaps. And in that case, the result is a simply push of the first domino. I wonder that the answer is not so much ‘mindfulness’, as it may lie in the necessary teaching of Dignity all over again.

