All You Need to Know About the Forever Alone Meme

Renier John Recto
2 min readFeb 28, 2018


Taken from

Memes, an image or gif that has been passed around throughout countless of social media sites to provide humor on their post. According to Google’s dictionary, a meme is an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

Throughout this history of memes, there are some of the classic that started the trend of meme, most came from the comics who created the Rage Guy. One of the classic memes that is considered to be one of the first major rage comic spin-off characters after the Rage Guy known as the Forever Alone.

It all started in early June 2010, where the meme first appeared on 4chan. A Redditor named ‘L_E_G_E_N_D’ took the Forever Alone meme in a rage comic that is titled “Prom FFFUUUU”, which receives over 275 up votes and 70 comments.

Forever Alone First Appearance

By September of the same year, images of the Forever Alone meme has appeared over 23,000 times throughout the internet. This lead to people creating more comics about the meme and mentions in several blogs Geekosystem, Memebase, and Uproxx. There is also a Facebook page that is titled “Forever Alone” which has received over 7.2 million submissions. The meme is commonly used on the month of February due to Valentine’s Day. The reason why is because the meme relate-able to single people in the world and people find comfort in it.

To this day, people used the meme plenty of ways such as gifs, rage comics, vertical comic and even create a Flash Mob on March 22, 2011.

