8 Ways Iran Has Become More Aggressive Since the Iran Deal

None of which the Administration will admit.

7 min readJul 14, 2016


Today marks the one year anniversary of the announcement of the JCPOA — better known as the “Iran deal.”

Where has it gotten us, and who’s told the truth?

Some, including the White House, argue that Iran has behaved in accordance with the agreement. Others argue that Iran’s behavior hasn’t changed since the JCPOA. I would argue that Iran’s behavior has changed: it has become even more bold and provocative.

According to the White House

At the passage of the JCPOA, the Administration promised that the following sanctions would remain in place under the Iran deal:

· Sanctions on missile technologies and conventional weapons

· Terror list sanctions that identify Iran as a state sponsor of terror

· Targeted sanctions on anyone connected with Iran’s support of terror

· Authority to target Iran’s development of ballistic missiles

· Authority to target Iran’s human rights abuses and censorships

· Authority to sanction Iran’s destabilizing regional activities, including in Syria and Yemen

And, the White House promised “Under the Iran deal, the U.S. will only lift nuclear-related sanctions on Iran.”

“What’s more, Iran will not be able to build a single heavy-water reactor for at least 15 years. That means, because of this deal, Iran will no longer have a source for weapons-grade plutonium.”

According to Iran

However, just after the Iran deal was announced, a report published in July 18, 2015 stated:

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that the historic nuclear deal reached would not have any effect on Iran’s policy toward the U.S. Khamenei said in a televised speech that U.S. policy in the Middle East runs counter to Tehran’s strategy and that Iran will continue to support its allies in the Middle East including the Lebanese, Hezbollah, Palestinian resistance groups and the Syrian government.

Khamenei was quoted as saying, “Our policy towards the arrogant U.S. government won’t change at all.”

And we have seen that to be true. Iran’s anti-American attitude hasn’t changed in the least — but their actions to provoke aggression and terror in the region have increased in a variety of ways:

1. Support for Terror

On June 24, 2016, Hezbollah secretary general Hassan Nasrallah delivered a speech dealing with Hezbollah’s current challenges. “Hezbollah’s budget, salaries, funds, food, drink [and] weapons all come from Iran… As long as Iran has money, we have money,” he said

2. Ballistic Missile Tests

Over the last year, Iran continued to develop its ballistic missile program, with no penalty from the United States, or the international community.

As of May 2016, Iran had conducted tests on ballistic missiles capable of delivering a nuclear weapon eight times. In testimony before the Senate, Mr. Michael Elleman expressed that these missile tests sought to increase missile accuracy.

“[The US has] engaged in a lot of hue and cry over Iran’s missile capabilities, but they should know that this ballyhoo does not have any influence and they cannot do a damn thing,” Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei said.

3. Destabilization of Middle East and Funding Proxies

Iran has continued to send support and weapons to Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, and Iraq, as well as throughout the Middle East. These actions have contributed to the destabilization of the region and in opposition to U.S. forces, as well as U.S. allies.

4. Provocation of U.S. Military

Since the JCPOA, Iran has continued to its threats to U.S. military property and personnel.

In December 2015, an Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps vessel fired unguided rockets in close proximity of the USS Harry Truman.

In January, Iran captured U.S. sailors and used them for propaganda purposes in violation of international law. What was the response from the White House on these provocations? Thanking Iran for not doing anything worse.

In January, Iran also released a video of a surveillance drone flyover of a U.S. aircraft carrier.

In May, Iran threatened to block U.S. access to the Straits of Hormuz.

5. Pursuit of Illicit Nuclear Material and Missile Technology

According to a recent article by Benjamin Wienthal:

With the ink barely dry on the deal between the U.S. and Iran to prevent the Islamic Republic from securing nuclear weapons, a new German intelligence document charges that Iran continues to flout the agreement.

Merkel said Iran is actively seeking missile and nuclear technology, and that NATO must guard against attack by the Islamic Republic. (Reuters)

Germany’s domestic intelligence agency said in its annual report that Iran has a “clandestine” effort to seek illicit nuclear technology [emphasis added] and equipment from German companies “at what is, even by international standards, a quantitatively high level.” The findings by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Germany’s equivalent of the FBI, were issued in a 317-page report last week.

Germany’s Angela Merkel also described Iran’s violations of UN Security Council’s anti-missile regulations: “Iran continued unabated to develop its rocket program in conflict with the relevant provisions of the UN Security Council,” Merkel told the Bundestag.

Merkel told lawmakers NATO’s anti-missile system, including a shield in Romania and a planned shield in Poland, were deployed in response to Iran’s rocket program and was “developed purely for defense” in a sign of how seriously the alliance takes Iran’s illegal ambitions.”

6. Obfuscation from the Obama Administration

Numerous officials in the Executive branch have become none other than traveling salesmen for the Iranian regime, actively encouraging international businesses and financial institutions to engage with Iran.

It has just been revealed that former top official in the State Department under former Secretary Clinton was being paid by Boeing, while he actively supported the nuclear deal — none of which did he disclose in his testimonies before Congress.

In April, the Obama Administration unnecessarily legitimized part of Iran’s nuclear program — a part that Iran is supposed to redesign and rebuild for “peaceful purposes” — by agreeing to buy excess heavy water from Iran. Heavy water is material used to build weapons grade plutonium.

The White House also interfered with Congressional action to stop the purchase, as I have articulated in another op-ed. And, President Obama has threatened to veto the bill that the House passed yesterday, H.R. 5119, the No 2H20 from Iran Act, which will prevent federal funds from being used to purchase heavy water from Iran.

7. Threats to Israel Increased and Unchallenged

Iran has escalated its threats toward Israel. Over the past year, Iranian officials have stated, “Israel should be annihilated,” “God willing, there will be no Zionist regime in 25 years,” and “We will raze the Zionist regime in less than eight minutes.”

Iranian ambassador to Lebanon Mohammad FathAli pledged that Iran would give a sum of $7,000 to the family of every “martyr of the Jerusalem Intifada,” speaking at a press conference held in Beirut on February 24, 2016. FathAli further said that Iran would give a sum of $30,000 to “any family whose house was destroyed by the occupation, because one of its members participated in the Jerusalem Intifada against the Zionist occupiers.”

Fully disclosing Iran’s ambitions and intentions, Iranian Ambassador Mohammad FathAli stated,

We extend our utmost respect and appreciation to the jihad-fighting Palestinian people, especially in Jerusalem and in Palestine, for their great jihad and sacrifices, their martyrs, prisoners, and wounded. We all hope, and we have full confidence in Allah, that the blood of the martyrs will liberate Palestine — Palestine in its entirety, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

The moment the blessed Islamic Revolution in Iran was victorious, the flag of Palestine was raised [above the Israeli Embassy] and the flag of the plundering Zionist entity was taken down and burned. Tehran, the capital of the revolution, hosted the first Palestinian embassy in the world, thus declaring the beginning of the age of victories of the oppressed over the arrogant, with the fall of the tyrant, and the establishment of the Iranian Islamic Republic, which has supported the causes of the oppressed around the world, and first and foremost of the beloved Palestinian people.

8. Refusal to Sanction Iran by the Administration

In June 2016, the Administration supported a decision undertaken by the Financial Action Task Force to suspend countermeasures against Iran for 12 months. The decision was based on Iranian promises to crack down on terrorist financing — never mind the fact that Iran exempted terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas.

The Administration has failed to vigorously enforce non-nuclear sanctions on Iran, despite its assurances that none of these would be affected by the Iran deal.

In Summary

In the past year, Iran has continued its missile activity in violation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 2231, enhanced its support for terrorism, increased its destabilizing regional actions, and maintained its deplorable record on human rights.

It is the Obama Administration that continues to overlook, deny, and obfuscate these facts.

Iran has been very clear.

Congressman Doug Lamborn represents Colorado’s fifth district. He is an original co-sponsor of H.R. 5911, the No Heavy Water for Iran Act, which prohibits the U.S. from purchasing excess heavy water for Iran. He sits on the Armed Services Committee.



Rep. Doug Lamborn

Republican Congressman for Colorado's 5th Congressional District. For regular email updates, sign-up at http://lamborn.house.gov