Congressman Lamborn talks to veterans outside a local VA clinic in Colorado.

In Their Own Words: Veterans Talk VA, Corruption, and Choice (Part II)

Veterans from my home state of Colorado weigh in on the treatment at the local VA clinics.

Rep. Doug Lamborn
4 min readJun 10, 2016


To spread awareness about the need for reform at the VA, I’m letting veterans speak for themselves. The following are real examples from my constituents of how the VA has impacted their lives.

Time to End Corruption

“How about working in a bipartisan effort to end the corruption in our Veteran’s Administration? Men and women who have proudly served our nation are dying waiting for an appointment at the VA. I’ve read that as many as 22 vets commit suicide a day! This needs to end. How about close the VA and allow veterans to see any provider? Make it easier for us to be seen promptly.

“Additionally, I retired on Jan 1, 2014. I am still waiting for the VA to get my retirement pay correct! I have been underpaid by the VA for 27 months. WHY? I have sent all of their required paperwork to show them my dependents, and still nothing.

“Our nation cannot forget the men and women who volunteered to serve, especially our elected officials.”

Above and Beyond Service in Colorado Springs

“Please do not be too harsh with the Colorado Springs VA. There are many people working there who are doing their level best to take the best possible care of our veterans. My personal experience is an excellent example:

“I am 83 years young and an early veteran of the Vietnam War. I was subjected on numerous occasions to Agent Orange and as a result I have prostate cancer. Recently, during one of our big snow storms, I received a letter from the VA stating that I would be contacted by the Golden, Colorado VA for an appointment to review my case. That very same day I had a telephone call from a VA representative in Colorado Springs. She said that she had a broken appointment (because of the heavy snow) and she recognized my name on a list of review appointments and she could review my case over the phone. She asked me some questions and said the review was completed. I had really been worried about how I was going to get to Golden and how I was going to find the VA clinic. I’m sure this was an over-and-above effort by the woman in Colorado Springs and it saved me a great deal or anxiety and effort.

“This woman’s effort was a great credit to herself and to the Colorado Springs VA clinic staff.”

Problems Getting Care under the Choice Program

“Congressman Lamborn, again I find that I must contact your office with a concern about the Veterans Administration Choice Card Program. Last year, February 2015 I attempted to use the VA Choice Card Program without success for a heart related medical concern. After months of attempting to see a cardiologist I finally went to a Hospital Emergency Room and was seen at my expense and followed up at my expense by the hospital and cardio doctors and specialists.

“On January 5, 2016, I again attempted to use the VA Choice Card Program as recommended by the my Primary Care physician at the VA Hospital in Grand Junction. It has now been 46 days since I requested that appointment and today I understand that there has not been an appointment made.

“As I stated, it has been 46 days since I requested an appointment (Orthopedic) to be seen for a Service Connected Disability condition. I have been provided a number of excuses and assurances by the representatives of the VA Choice Card Program each time I have called with an inquiry to my request. They continue to be repetitive in their responses, they will expedite the request and call me back and they are not sure why this is happening.

“To date, with one exception to call me back, no one has contacted me from the VA Choice Card Program and I must rely on myself to continue to contact the VA Choice Card Program and inquire about the status of my request.

“The VA Choice Card Program for this Veteran has been a complete failure and the lack of action by anyone involved with that program on the VA side has been obvious. I have been informed that it is always another division or office within the VA that everyone is waiting on and that they must “just wait” however there has not been any movement or assistance despite my requests to speak or even email those other offices that the representatives are just waiting on. I have actually been told that the ‘appointment team’ and the ‘approving nurse’ don’t have phone numbers. When I requested email addresses I was informed that there were no email addresses for either office either.

“I know that your office has been aware of the concerns and issues with this program, Congressman Lamborn.”

Congressman Doug Lamborn represents Colorado’s fifth district, home to over 100,000 veterans. He also sits on the House Veterans Affairs Committee and is spearheading efforts to bring the VA into the 21st Century. This article is the second in a three-part series.



Rep. Doug Lamborn

Republican Congressman for Colorado's 5th Congressional District. For regular email updates, sign-up at