
It is long past due for America to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel.

Rep. Doug Lamborn
2 min readMay 23, 2017


Earlier today, President Trump made history as the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall, the holiest site of the Jewish people. He also became the first president in history to visit Israel on their first foreign trip.

These meaningful actions send a strong message to our friends in Israel and around the world that America is back on the right side of history, strengthening our relationship with our greatest ally in the Middle East, the State of Israel.

The restoration of America’s relationship with Israel marks an important shift in America’s policy in the Middle East, from emboldening our enemies to supporting our friends.

As Israel prepares to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the reunification of its eternal capital, Jerusalem, America must reexamine what we can do for our close friends in Israel, and fulfill our promises to the Israeli people to recognize a unified Jerusalem and relocate our embassy to the Israel capital.

As a chair of the Israel Allies Caucus and the Republican Israel Caucus, I have worked with many of my colleagues to strengthen the relationship between the United States and Israel.

Most recently, I sent a letter to President Trump, along with 41 other Members of Congress, urging the president to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the State of Israel and to relocated our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

I also sponsored legislation this Congress that would end American aid to the Palestinian Authority until they stop rewarding terrorists who murder innocent civilians. The Taylor Force Act is named after an American Veteran who was murdered in Israel by a Palestinian Terrorist in March 2016, whose family is receiving thousands of dollars for the barbaric attack.

This bill sends a strong message to the Palestinian authority, that they cannot encourage acts of terrorism against Israeli citizens or the United States and not expect consequences for these abhorrent practices.

I am pleased to be able to stand here and pledge my support for the continued strengthening of the U.S.-Israel relationship. I send a warm Chag Sameach to Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Rivlin, and the Jewish People as they commence celebrating Jerusalem’s miraculous Jubilee.

Congressman Doug Lamborn represents Colorado’s fifth district. He also serves as a co-chair of the Israel Allies Caucus and the Republican Israel Caucus. This article was adapted from his remarks at a press conference May 22, 2017.



Rep. Doug Lamborn

Republican Congressman for Colorado's 5th Congressional District. For regular email updates, sign-up at http://lamborn.house.gov