Fighting for Social Security

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Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur
2 min readAug 15, 2017

I want to update you on our work to help retirees, older Americans and those with disabilities. There are few issues that our government considers that impact the daily lives of Americans more than Social Security. Social Security is not only a critical component of retirement for millions of Americans it is also a compact between the government and our people. Even in difficult economic times, including 13 recessions over the last 75 years, Social Security has never once failed to pay it obligations to beneficiaries.

Social Security is not an entitlement; it is an earned benefit that retirees receive after years of contributing to the program as hardworking Americans in every walk of life. For these reasons, I cosponsored the Social Security 2100 Act, which increases benefits and ensures Social Security continues to provide these critical benefits for generations to come. For many Americans, Social Security is the only thing that stands between them and dire financial circumstances. In fact, almost half of seniors in America would be living in poverty if not for Social Security.

Though published reports indicate a slightly larger cost of living increase in Social Security will be announced later this year, the fact remains that for more than a dozen years Seniors have received only minimal adjustments. Congress has an opportunity to bolster future adjustments by enacting the Social Security 2100 Act which offers long-term protection against inflation for seniors.

Rep. Kaptur with her House colleagues discussing the Social Security 2100 Act, which will strengthen Social Security. #Secure2100

I will fight every day on behalf our retirees and this foundational program. You can learn more about the Social Security 2100 Act and download a brochure by visiting our website at



Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur

Office of Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur. The longest serving woman in Congress and proudly representing Ohio's 9th District.