When someone shows us who they are, we should believe them.

Rep. Ayanna Pressley
3 min readJun 26, 2019


The inequities and disparities in the Massachusetts 7th Congressional District didn’t happen by mistake. They are the byproduct of man-made policies — some intentionally discriminatory and some with unintended consequences. As a district that is 53% people of color and 40% foreign born, we have endured constant, coordinated attacks from the occupant of the White House since the day he took office. When someone shows us who they are, we should believe them and act accordingly. A corrupt and morally bankrupt Administration will continue to act in corrupt and morally bankrupt ways. To me, the threats to our immigrant neighbors are not abstract - it is the daily lived reality of the residents of my district.

We are sent to Congress to lead and legislate and bring with us the stories and struggles of those we serve. On Friday, I spent my day calling Mayors and local leaders, developing contingency plans to protect our immigrant families from the threat of cruel deportation raids. In the days since, I worked with my progressive colleagues to push for improvements to the border supplemental bill that aim to get medical care, essential toiletries, and a semblance of humanity to children held captive at the border and to hold this Administration’s deportation force accountable for human rights abuses taking place in broad daylight. In recent days, I find myself circling back to the same frustration — why is it that when the liberation, safety, health and humanity of black and brown children is on the line we are told that we must compromise, moderate our outrage, or delay justice? The answer to that question should bring each of us a deep pause and honest reflection about the history of this nation. When I see photos of babies lying on concrete floors, I think of my own daughter.

I want to make clear that my Democratic colleagues stand on the right side of history, our tactics may diverge but our values are fiercely aligned, fighting to protect the rights of immigrants and reject this Administration’s attempts to barter lives against lives. I was encouraged to see that we were able to make some substantial improvements to the bill, including key protections led by Rep. Pramila Jayapal and the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

The Trump Administration traffics in injustice and lies. They have created an untenable situation at the border and children are dying in custody — a practice of cruelty plain and simple. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are not capable nor qualified to manage the care and custody of children and families. Do not believe for one moment that it is not feasible to get these children and families toothpaste and blankets. While I pray that the funding Congress has approved makes it to its intended purpose, the best predictor of the future is the past, and ICE and CBP have a track record of promoting a deep culture of corruption and abuse.

Families belong together and each of us deserves to live without fear .We must reject the status quo and affirm that when a family crosses our border fleeing persecution, they should be able to apply for asylum, and settle safely in community while awaiting a decision on their pending immigration case. So with a heavy heart and after tireless deliberation, I voted no on the border supplemental package.

I voted no because I believe we have to reject the status quo and work towards a clear vision of a humane immigration system, a just immigration system.

I voted no knowing that as a society, we are judged by how we treat our children.

I believe that it is the work of legislators to live our values and to negotiate. Tonight, I can tell my daughter that I have done both of those things.

I look forward to working with my colleagues to dismantle the cruel deportation force of the Trump Administration and work towards people-centered solutions that decriminalize families in the pursuit of the American dream.



Rep. Ayanna Pressley

Official account of Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley. Proudly representing the Massachusetts 7th Congressional District.