‘Made in America’ Week and the Case for Tax Reform

US Rep. Rodney Davis
3 min readJul 20, 2017

President Trump has established this week (July 16–22) as “‘Made in America’ Week” and hosted ‘Made in America’ products from all 50 states, including a Caterpillar 966M wheel loader made in Illinois on the South Lawn of the White House. While President Trump continues to work in the Executive Branch to promote American-made products and jobs, in Congress, we are working, alongside his administration, to revitalize American manufacturing and create jobs in Central and Southwest Illinois through reforming our broken tax code.


As part of our plan to overhaul our tax code, which hasn’t been done in 31 years, we get rid of the “Made in America” tax that has given foreign products an advantage over those in the U.S. We are one of the few countries in the world who still tax our own exports. That’s wrong. Our plan repeals it and puts American workers and businesses first.


While we lower tax rates on all incomes, our plan makes middle class Americans, who are too often left behind by our government, a priority. According to the Tax Foundation, the average middle-income family in Illinois will save $5,256 each year and an estimated 70,423 jobs will be created in Illinois because of the pro-growth reforms we make. Growing our economy and hopefully making life a little easier for hardworking Americans.

Source: https://waysandmeans.house.gov/icymi-new-tax-foundation-report-highlights-state-state-benefits-pro-growth-tax-reform/

In addition to lowering overall rates, our plan also cuts tax rates on personal savings in half and we end the “Estate Tax” so farmers and small business owners can pass their livelihood onto the next generation. While we preserve deductions that help most Americans buy a house, pay for college, and give to charity, we also simplify the tax code so most Americans will be able to file their taxes using a simple postcard. This will cut the time and money many spend filing their taxes each year.

Source: https://waysandmeans.house.gov/betterway-tax-reform-unprecedented-simplicity-families-job-creators/

I came to Congress to make Washington work for the people of the 13th District and ensuring our broken tax code, which isn’t working for anyone right now, let’s you keep more of what you earn and makes it easier to achieve the American Dream.

Learn more about our tax reform plan here: https://waysandmeans.house.gov/taxreform/



US Rep. Rodney Davis

Proudly representing the 13th Congressional District of Illinois.