Regulating Modern Public SquaresSocial media platforms — like Facebook and Twitter — are the go-to for Americans to communicate, interact, and get their news.Sep 5, 2018Sep 5, 2018
Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the Future of American ManufacturingOur world is more interconnected today than ever before, and this trend is on an exponential growth trajectory. Whether it’s a wearable…Feb 12, 2018Feb 12, 2018
Legislative Efforts to Support VeteransAhead of Veterans Day, this week the House passed multiple bills that would support veterans — through protection from scams, through…Nov 11, 2017Nov 11, 2017
Taking Action Against HezbollahHezbollah, formed in 1982, has been designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the U.S. State Department since 1997. The…Oct 28, 2017Oct 28, 2017
Supporting the Nursing WorkforceNurses, doctors, medical specialists, and others who work in the medical community are committed to providing timely and quality care to…Sep 22, 2017Sep 22, 2017
Back to School: Education Priorities in CongressAs students in our community head back to school this week, I wanted to share with you some of the work I have done and will continue to do…Aug 29, 2017Aug 29, 2017
Rep. Costello Conversation with WFMZ Regarding CharlottesvilleWFMZ: What’s your positon regarding the rising racial tensions between the alt-right and others — specifically what happened in…Aug 17, 2017Aug 17, 2017
House Passes Bipartisan Legislation to Support VeteransThe House recently passed several bills to provide comprehensive support for veterans’ education, career opportunities, and healthcare, as…Jul 27, 2017Jul 27, 2017
Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection Subcommittee Update: Subcommittee Approves Self-Driving…This week, the Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection (DCCP) held a markup on legislation regarding self-driving cars…Jul 22, 2017Jul 22, 2017
Combating the Opioid Crisis: The States’ ResponseThe ongoing opioid epidemic has rapidly emerged as one of the most urgent public health challenges facing our nation today. In my home…Jul 17, 2017Jul 17, 2017