Let’s Show More Appreciation for Our TeachersIn West Virginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, and other states around the nation, teachers have taken to the streets to protest low wages, cuts in…May 9, 20183May 9, 20183
A Healthier Tomorrow? Not From This Farm BillIt is getting to be that time of the year when our New Year’s resolution to eat healthier starts to waver. Everywhere you look there are…Apr 16, 20181Apr 16, 20181
Giving Thanks for Military FamiliesAs we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving this week with our families, we should also remember those families who will have an empty seat at…Nov 22, 20171Nov 22, 20171
Veterans Day ReflectionsVeterans Day is a time to pause in gratitude for those brave men and women who served our nation in the Armed Forces. A single day of the…Nov 11, 2017Nov 11, 2017
Along With Fairer Corporate Tax Policy, Reform Must Include Relief For The Middle ClassAs I drive through Youngstown, Ohio, I’m met by empty storefronts and vacant factories. Americans living in areas like mine are struggling…Oct 12, 2017Oct 12, 2017
President Trump vs. The Free Press (Again).As an elected official in Ohio for over 17 years, I certainly have not appreciated every news article or story that has been published in…Aug 23, 2017Aug 23, 2017
President Trump Goes to YoungstownWith Results in Short Supply, Promises Stack UpJul 26, 20171Jul 26, 20171
Comey’s Testimony: A Sad Day in Our Nation’s HistoryToday’s testimony from former FBI Director James Comey was many things: shocking, unnerving, explosive. But I think it is important to…Jun 8, 2017Jun 8, 2017