Life at Reply

Reply U
Reply U / Talents
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2016

Hi there!

Hi, who are you?

This is Reply. We are made up of a network of highly specialised companies, which support leading industrial groups in defining and developing business models to optimise and integrate processes, applications and devices, using new technology and communication paradigms, such as Big Data, Cloud Computing, Digital Communication, Internet of Things, Mobile and Social Networking.

Sounds good. Are you hiring people like me?

Of course, it depends on you and if you like this story.

Impress me.

Ok. You’re a great talent, an innovative and curious mind and now part of the Reply community. Your journey as a Replyer starts with an Introduction day to Reply, where you meet all the new people in Reply and you get to know how it works (and you start training yourself too). Reply’s world is pretty wide, it takes some time to see all opportunities for your development, which you can find mainly on our Enterprise Social Network.

What is it?

TamTamy is where you can find daily contributions from all over the company, knowledge sharing at its best. It’s conversational, but it’s also the main tool for your daily routine at work, where you can share all your documents and information with the team.

Is this knowledge-sharing thing only digital?

Good point. Nope, it’s a lifelong learning programme composed by digital experiences and physical events. You can start with a Labcamp: a hands-on seminar held in Reply offices, generally at the end of a working day and dedicated to a brand new tech topic. We have more than 70 Labcamps every year with 1000 attendees. Jump on board and if you are an expert in some hype technology, put yourself forward as a Labcamp Trainer and share your know-how with colleagues all over Reply.

And if a topic is wide and interesting for everyone?

We build a Reply Hackathon! A weekend every month dedicated to a 48-hours hacking-marathon in a beautiful location. It’s all about project execution in an international team. Work Hard, Play Hard.

We’ve organized internal Hackathons since 2011, sometimes with customers, too. And every time we learn something new on Blockchain, Cyber Security, AI & Smart Machines, Wearable Devices, Machine Learning, Traffic Data, Proximity Commerce, Car HMI, Drones & Robotics, Telco, Open Hardware, Mobile, Cloud Computing, and so on.

Ok, I got it. I’ve learned something. Next step?

Join Reply Netcamps: every quarter 250 Replyers join our topic driven event with selected dimes of innovation from all over the Reply community. Want more? Every year at the Reply Xchange, the biggest annual event in Reply, you’ll meet the strategy and discover the best ideas shared in the community, going deep in the most relevant and innovative topics and sharing the best Reply projects for our customers.

Reply Xchange 2015 highlights

Cool! I want to share this story with my mates!

Students in Politecnico di Torino — Student Tech Clash 2017, Future of Payments

Do you know Reply U? It’s where Reply meets students to #innovatewithus. Meet Reply directly in job fairs around Europe and show your talent at Student Tech Clash, organised with students associations in the best tech universities. You might even become a Reply Ambassador!

Is this lifelong learning *thing* working? I mean, really?

Maker Faire 2015, Rome: 100.000 participants, 15.000 students, 2 Reply stands, a lot of fun

We like this example: Code for Kids is the Reply initiative born to spread the digital culture in schools. We started from an internal Hackathon open to Replyers’ kids, then we looked for skills among Replyers and finally we opened it to external events to meet the new digital generation in our European tour.

I like this story. So what?

Visit and send your resume, plus #innovatewithus and share your best University project on Reply U Talents.

Thanks… One last thing: I liked this 20 links format.

So follow the Reply R20 :)



Reply U
Reply U / Talents

We are Reply, the digital consulting company. What about U? Discover the #LifeAtReply and join the Replyers community.