Mert, U.
12 min readOct 5, 2021


The Difference Between Effective Speech and Good Speech

Speaking well and speaking effectively are not the same as it is supposed to be.

A good orator should be able to play with his speech like kneading dough. The overexcited speaker causes stress on the listeners and a lack of understanding of the message.

The bold speaker projects confidence, impresses the audience, and helps to understand the message.

What Should Be Done for Courage When Starting to Speak?

The sharpest period when excitement and courage diverge and fight fiercely is the time for the speaker to fully begin his speech.

First you have to stand up straight and lift your head. You have to take a deep breath so that it is not noticed by the audience. Then you have to look at your audience, make eye contact with them, and smile persistently.

Apart from these, you should warm up to the speaking environment. For this, you can touch some things in the environment, change their places, deal with the details.

These behaviors should be behaviors that will remind you that you are at home and make you feel comfortable.

You can be sure that you will definitely control your excitement during a conversation that starts like this.

Sound Level (Audibility)

It is unthinkable that a speech whose volume is not balanced will be effective.

The speaker who speaks in a very low voice and cannot be heard easily, and the speaker who speaks at a very high volume and disturbs the audience, is not successful either.

Your voice should be easily heard by the listener closest to you and by the listener farthest from you, and your words should be understood. An incomprehensible speech creates no effect, but creates stress and tension.

Training the Voice Organs EXERCISES

For breath:

  • For proper Diaphragm Breathing, your shoulders and upper rib cage should not move while you breathe deeply, but your stomach should move. This habit should be gained in continuous breathing.
  • After taking a deep breath, practice exhaling by blowing the least amount of air while exhaling. While exhaling in the form of blowing, try to feel that you are blowing in the lowest dimension by placing your hand in front of your mouth.
  • To learn to use your breath economically, exhale with the consonant (s), increasing its duration each time. sssssssssssss

For language:

  • Chew your tongue as quickly as you would chewing gum in your mouth. Do not bite.
  • Roll out your tongue.
  • Move your tongue around your mouth in circular motions.
  • Try to reach the most extreme directions by protruding your tongue exaggeratedly.

For the chin:

  • Put your hand on your lower jaw and push your chin up so that you shout “fuck it”. The muscles that push your chin down will become stronger.
  • Massage your cheeks with the inner sides of both hands, pull your palms down and open your chin down.
  • Open and close your jaw quickly and exaggeratedly.
  • Move your chin quickly back and forth and left and right.
  • Rotate your chin in circular motions.

For the lips:

  • Try to make a motor sound with your lips and make a “snap”.
  • Move your lips back and forth, left and right and circularly.
  • Hold a pencil horizontally to your lips and read the following sentences:

“My hometown”, “There is a me inside me”

Talking style

Sound comes out of the mouth in 3 ways.

  1. The sound produced by the tip of the mouth is thin and weak.
  2. The sound produced in the middle of the mouth is full and clear.
  3. The sound produced by the end of the mouth (larynx) is thick and harsh.

Care should be taken to make sounds from the middle of the mouth.


One of the most striking aspects of our conversations is whether we can successfully emphasize the integrity of meaning. Incorrect emphasis, which usually occurs when the speaker reads his speech in front of him, will cause a very negative impression about the speaker in the eyes of the audience. The naturalness that should be in the speech will be lost, meaning shifts or inability to fully understand the meaning will occur in the message to be conveyed.

For this, focus should be on the content and attention should be paid to the meaning. In fact, the meaning contained in the content should be experienced and felt. Emphasis should be made by knowing the meanings of all the words in the content (in cases where there is text to be read).

Abandoning reading in public speaking and catching the atmosphere of a natural speaking environment will largely prevent false emphasis. Because 90% of accent errors occur during reading.


In our conversations, we should occasionally make short or long pauses to relax and consolidate the meaning in the minds of the listeners.

A static continuous speech without pauses is ineffective and will soon become boring. Speeches that are too fast create stress in the audience.

Therefore, we should pause briefly in our conversations where the topics diverge.

Nurturing speech intelligence

In order to improve speaking intelligence with words, a Turkish dictionary must be read. We need to know the opposites and similar meanings of the words we use constantly.

Have a Clean and Organized Appearance

The clothes worn should be determined according to the environment, instead of being too expensive and extravagant, they should always be neat and clean, and should be in harmony with the personality of the speaker. Generally, solemn clothing is considered an indication of importance to speech.

In addition, it has been observed by experts that people who wear a white shirt and blue tie in a dark blue suit convince and persuade their interlocutors more easily. A meaningful rosette can be found on the chest.

Act Naturally and Comfortable

The speaker’s natural and relaxed behavior on the platform will bring him closer to the audience, thus creating a bridge of sympathy between them.

Being natural and relaxed will also minimize the speaker’s potential excitement.

In order to achieve this, instead of acting like a private speaker on the podium, he should laugh with the audience when necessary and be close with them.

“Am I being heard?” or “We have been together with some participating friends before?” Zooming questions like this will help you get into a more natural and relaxed mood at the beginning of the conversation.

Use Effective Gestures and Mimics

The orator should not display a stagnant appearance in front of his audience.

In order for the speech to be more lively and colorful, in order to harmonize with the personality that he is obliged to reflect, he should use gestures and facial expressions without departing from naturalness.

Gesture is the words used for bodily posture, and mimics are the words used for the meanings given by the movements of the facial muscles. From the beginning to the end of the speech, he should look for opportunities to use gestures and facial expressions effectively and meaningfully.

Message — Body Language Matching

If the message we give in the speech is supported by body language, the element of “visuality” will also be included in the perception process of the audience, thus the meaning placed in their minds will be strengthened. Therefore, body language should be spoken in accordance with the content.

For example, smiling in a section about smiling, reflecting sadness with facial expressions in a sad section, sharing this enthusiasm in an enthusiastic feast will produce positive reinforcement on meanings.

In all conversations, the bodily posture should also be generally upright and secure, but can be altered according to the message. In the parts where the meaning will be loaded the most, gestures such as leaning the body slightly towards the audience, opening the arms and directing the palms to the interlocutors in speeches that should give an embracing impression should be made.

Hands must be used in speech.

What Kind of Beginning?

First impressions always have great value. In the first minute (or even 20 seconds) of going to the podium for the speech, the audience will reach a positive or negative opinion, and they will watch the whole speech mostly from behind these glasses.

Don’t start by apologizing

When the orator is called to the podium, in the eyes of the audience, he is someone who has the right to speak on the subject and is worth listening to. However, if he starts his speech on the platform with statements that break the impression of the audience, the audience will be inclined to change their impressions immediately.

A big mistake many speakers make is to apologize to their interlocutors by saying that they came without preparation due to being late for the talk. Or, some speakers begin their speech by saying that they “do not understand how to speak” and show an example of so-called humility. In fact, this expression will certainly bring harm, rather than the expected positive points of humility.

Don’t start as soon as you get on the podium

When you are on the podium or in the speaking area, stay silent for 5 to 10 seconds. In the meantime, if you take a deep diaphragm breath by putting on your light smile, which you are accustomed to wearing immediately, you will have established the courage and confidence to speak in the first place.

In the same time, you can control your posture and become more upright. The most not negligible task of this process is to skim over the audience. During this silent browsing process, the attention of the audience will be on you, and even the listeners who are talking among themselves will give up and turn to you.

In addition, this browsing will help you to create an opinion in your mind about your interlocutors and to prevent the fear and anxiety you have about them.

Make the audience feel like you care

Everyone likes to be cared for, valued and cared for. The speaker should also begin to win the hearts of his interlocutors from the very beginning. Therefore, the first thing to do is to greet. The audience should be greeted in a manner appropriate to the occasion and, if necessary, the orator should introduce himself appropriately. In this greeting phase, the people who are in the audience and considered important (chairman of the meeting, minister, rector, dean, general manager, respected social leader, etc.) and legal entities (organization, foundation, association, university, commission, etc.) who contributed to the organization are also included. ) should not be forgotten.

Ways to Start a Speech

With the words to be said at the beginning of the speech, in order to turn the opinions of the audience about the speaker into a positive one and especially to ensure that the rest of the speech can be listened with interest;

First of all, arousing a sense of curiosity in the audience is a useful way of attracting attention and opening new doors in the minds waiting to be filled. In order to cause a sense of curiosity, question expressions can also be used here.

Example: “I know that the people who come to listen to this talk today are those who can’t stand wasting their time or wasting themselves; They are valuable people with purpose and purpose, who dedicate their determination, effort and time to change the world of more people by becoming more effective people.”

Don’t start talking with jokes!

The conversation can be started with the support of a short poem or a motto. This poem or phrase should also contain messages that are accepted by everyone in terms of content.

What Kind of End?

Even if we think that our speech went badly and that we were not able to impress the audience, we have one last opportunity to turn negative opinions into positive ones: the “closing section”. Or there is a risk that a speech that is supposed to produce effective results may lessen or lessen its impact: the “closing section”.

So, what should be considered for the closing part that needs to be masterfully emphasized?

After the orator has finished his speech and has closed his speech with a good or bad closing, he should not rush out of sight. The speaker, who leaves the environment in a hurry, will give the message that he thinks he is not very successful in his own speech. It’s as if he wants to avoid the criticisms that will come by avoiding the eyes immediately.

However, if the speaker, after describing what he has to say about his speech, constructs a sentence containing the phrase “that’s all” (as in the example of “I’m done, that’s it”), it will limit the knowledge potential of the audience’s assumptions. It is also reason enough to show how far the speaker is from his oratory skills.

A good closing should be effective and emphatic enough to be remembered for a long time. For this, the best way is to appeal to the feelings and excitement of the audience. At a point when the intensity of feelings and excitement is at its peak, the speaker can leave the podium by giving his last thanks.

As the last word, a short, concise and effective sentence can be used that can cover the main idea of ​​the speech and should not be forgotten.

Get the audience moving from time to time

No matter how wonderful the oratory is, no matter how interesting the subject is, after a while, due to human psychology, the audience will get bored of speaking. According to the physiological structure of the person, in order for the blood circulation to be provided in a healthy way, people should move at least once every 30 minutes, albeit on a small scale. At least those sitting should stand up for a very short time. Undoubtedly, listeners also have these needs. Therefore, an effective speaker should mobilize his audience and get them up for a short time at least once, often under the guise of “we are practicing” by deriving various pre-planned excuses from time to time.

Play With Your Tone

Playing with the tone of voice from time to time during the transmission of the message strengthens the level of understanding of the message. However, even if it is not necessary in terms of meaning, the tone of voice should be changed in the expressions that are considered to be emphasized.

Play With Your Speaking Speed

When people are speaking, they usually speak an average of 120–130 words per minute. Changing this amount from time to time, in other words, making the speaking (speaking) speed slower or faster is another method that can be used to attract attention.

It should not be forgotten that in the course of the general average, the different ones attract attention. Monotony should be prevented in the flow of speech, and differences should be exhibited.

Language and style

The use of language and style affects the level of understanding of the subject you are talking about and the perception of the personality you reflect during your speech. There are such speakers that people are indescribably excited to listen to them because of their language and style. For effective use of the language, it is necessary to have a very wide vocabulary.

The style must be determined in advance.

The orator should determine in advance the style he will use in his speech and should make his preparations according to this style. According to the criteria set out below, one or more of the “compromising — serious — soft — critical — belligerent — entertaining — emotional — demonstrative — conversational” styles can be selected. The criteria to be used in this selection are:

  • Speaking environment
  • The purpose of the speech
  • The main idea of ​​the conversation
  • Audience expectations
  • Identities of the listeners
  • Personal abilities

The style that can always be valid

Along with the recommendation to make a determination according to the stylistic styles mentioned above, there are also basic stylistic approaches that can be valid for all speeches and that all listeners will be satisfied with.

All people enjoy unifying and conciliatory attitudes. An even more general style finds its place in the saying “a sweet tongue pulls the snake out of its hole”.

Let’s reiterate how to make an effective speech:

  • It won’t be exciting. Be confident and self-confident
  • We will set our voice to be heard throughout the hall. Neither shouting nor speaking in a low voice will be allowed. The listener will not be disturbed by the sound.
  • Emphasis will be placed where necessary in the speech.
  • There should be a pause of a few seconds when the topic is changed in the conversation.
  • Clothing should not be contradictory.
  • Be in a natural and comfortable look
  • Body language should be used without exaggeration.
  • Gestures, facial expressions and hand movements should be performed in accordance with the subject.
  • When you come to the speaking platform, you will not start speaking immediately, but will wait 5–10 seconds. During this time, eye contact will be made with those in the hall.
  • Greeting will be done when speaking
  • During the conversation, the tone of voice will be adjusted according to the essence of the subject. In some places it will be spoken loudly, in some places it will be spoken low, in some places it will be spoken quickly. There will be absolutely no apology.
  • The language is understandable and the style will be adjusted according to the subject.
  • Long sentences will not be used in speech. Our sentences will be short and to the point.
  • By adhering to the written document, the narrations are effective without reading some parts.
  • Do not look in front of you while speaking. Be sure to check the audience with your eyes.
  • When the speech is over, the hall will not be left immediately. The audience will be thanked and wished well.
  • Before the speaking day, one should practice at home by standing in front of the mirror and recording a video. Then the recording should be listened to and work should be done to correct the wrong places.
Mert, U.

Genetics, History, Linguistics & Politics - The Hague, Netherlands📍