Responsible Citizen Of Society?

What is this term defined as for our society versus what it should be defined as overall?

Laura Annabelle
14 min readDec 21, 2016

I believe that the views of both what a responsible citizen of society is supposed to look like from the government versus what I think is what we as citizens are supposed to be responsible as for our society.

We all have a responsibility in our family to complete the daily chores for ourselves and house chores along with all the other responsibilities all of society and the government expect of us. But a good portion of them appear to me as too perfect, unhealthy, negative, unfair (meaning: not ethical and logical in any smart way), and overall wrong. Why? What are my logical, ethical thoughts on why I believe the expectations and responsibilities as a citizen of society make any logical sense?

I believe that when it comes to our responsibilities in all areas of reality that each one of us is responsible for completing daily in our busy lives; is unhealthy for one’s mental health for the expectations, rules are too high and need to be lowered to a more logical, ethical, healthy yet positive level.

One of my own personal examples of this (in which I’m more than willing to share: as it equals, helps contribute to better, healthier and positive change that both our society and our world needs and deserves); numerous moments/scenarios of my past life, I’ve come to analyze that my parents and sister both set their expectations of me way to high other than the more than visible stigma of mental health in all areas of one’s responsibilities in our current generation of reality.

So many citizens of our society have led themselves to believe with their own logic and their own beliefs and mindset that the ethics and logics of the creations of all laws, expectations of all citizens should not be changed for their own logical, ethical thinking with their mindsets, beliefs, values and such that back this statement or belief as true to believe.

But to me, the part that is invisible with some sort of stigma (shame) around this: is that the rest of society who aren’t advocating, yet overall supporting the mental heath system and all those affected by mental health issues aren’t able to understand the real logic behind our own beliefs, values, priorities, logic, and ethical thinking that proves our logical proof as reliable information to follow and believe overall consider it being more than just truthful but ethical in all areas, and does not exclude any systems, epidemics, issues or any person of our society.

“What a kid is taught, a kid becomes.” ~ Superintendent Turner (Girl Meets World)

Remember the old tv show: Boy Meets Word? Now there’s a Disney show picking up from somewhere near where Boy Meets World left off at the end of the series. They called it: Girl Meets World. And this show has packed one or more lessons to learn and use the knowledge gained from the lessons for you to put into your own life.

And the quote shared above is one that’s in the “Girl Meets The New Teacher” episode and there’s so many lessons you can learn and overall gain from many of these episodes; this one included.

Below are some logical facts from a few sources in which I have cited at the bottom.

Defining a Democratic Society

A democracy by definition is government through elected representatives. It is a form of society which favours equal rights, freedom of speech and a fair trial and tolerates the views of minorities. A healthy civil society requires responsible and active citizens who value the system of government and work towards a shared vision of civil life.

A definition of a citizen’s responsibilities

Good citizenship values and models responsible behavior, attitudes and democratic values. Good citizenship requires knowledge of a society’s major social, political and legal institutions, the capacity and disposition to participate within those institutions, and an awareness of the rights and obligations that citizenship entails. It requires involvement in the civil life of a community whether through formal participation, such as standing or voting in elections for public bodies, or working individually or collectively to build stronger, inclusive and sustainable communities.

Democratic values

Values such as respect and ‘fair go’ are part of Australia’s common democratic way of life. They reflect our commitment to a multicultural and environmentally sustainable society where all are entitled to justice.

Nine Values for Australian Schooling have emerged from Australian school communities and from the National Goals for Schooling in Australia in the Twenty-First Century. They are presented below in alphabetical order and not in any rank order of importance.

Nine Values for Australian Schooling

Care and Compassion. Care for self and others.

Doing Your Best. Seek to accomplish something worthy and admirable, try hard, pursue excellence.

Fair Go. Pursue and protect the common good where all people are treated fairly for a just society.

Freedom. Enjoy all the rights and privileges of Australian citizenship free from unnecessary interference or control, and stand up for the rights of others.

Honesty and Trustworthiness. Be honest, sincere and seek the truth.

Integrity. Act in accordance with principles of moral and ethical conduct, ensure consistency between words and deeds.

Respect. Treat others with consideration and regard, respect another person’s point of view.

Responsibility. Be accountable for one’s own actions, resolve differences in constructive, non-violent and peaceful ways, contribute to society and to civic life, take care of the environment.

Civic Responsibility

Comprised of actions and attitudes associated with democratic governance and social participation, civic responsibility can include participation in government, church, volunteers and memberships of voluntary associations. The importance of civic responsibility is paramount to the success of democracy and philanthropy. By engaging in civic responsibility, citizens ensure and uphold certain democratic values written in the founding documents.


Civic Responsibility is defined as the “responsibility of a citizen” ( It is comprised of actions and attitudes associated with democratic governance and social participation. Civic responsibility can include participation in government, church, volunteers and memberships of voluntary associations. Actions of civic responsibility can be displayed in advocacy for various causes, such as political, economic, civil, environmental or quality of life issues.

Civic means, “of, relating to, or belonging to a city, a citizen, or citizenship, municipal or civil society” (ibid.).

  • Responsibility refers to “the state or quality of being responsible or something for which one is responsible such as a duty, obligation or burden” (ibid.).
  • A citizen is “a person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or union” (ibid.).
  • Citizenship means “a productive, responsible, caring and contributing member of society.” (ibid.).

Historic Roots

Civic Responsibility dates to ancient Rome whose citizens wanted to contribute to Roman society. Civic responsibility may have started with Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus in 519 BC.

Although Civic Responsibility has existed for centuries in society, it was officially sanctioned as a blueprint for democracy in 1787 by the ratification of the United States Constitution. The Constitution declared, “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States.”

In the 18 th and 19th centuries and through the 1930s, civic responsibility in America was tied to a commonwealth perspective. From voluntary fire departments to the public arts to the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) of the 1930s and 1940s, citizens participated in projects that shaped communities and ultimately the nation. Due to civic responsibility, citizenship was understood in terms of the labors of ordinary people who created goods and undertook projects to benefit the public, as opposed to the high-minded, virtuous and leisure activities of gentlemen. This kind of civic identify helped create an important balance between pursuit of individual wealth and the creation of public things (Boyte and Kari 1999)

In the 1960s, community responsibility and civic responsibility became more popular. The Cold War and nuclear threats were common fears that coalesced citizens of the United States (Swanson, 1999). Combined with opposition to the war in Vietnam, grassroots organizations to fight environmental pollution and college campus protest demonstrations, citizens learned the value of expressing civic responsibility through civil disobedience. People relied on each other in order to correct injustice and achieve greatness in the nation.

During the 1960s, 62.8 percent of Americans voted in presidential elections. People were involved in political organizations and community action groups because modern technology allowed more free time to society (Putman 2000). Participation proved successful in the Civil Rights Movement lead by Martin Luther King and later failed in the 1980s with the Equal Rights Amendment initiative.

In the 1980s and 1990s, many organizations lost membership. For example, new memberships for the organization of Business and Professional Women declined 89 percent by the end of 1997. Memberships for the Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) declined 60 percent, memberships for the League of Women Voters declined 61 percent and memberships for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) saw a 46 percent decrease in membership (Swanson 1999).

In 2001, 44 percent of American adults volunteered in organizations compared to 55 percent in 1999. Financial donations declined in 2001 with 89 percent of American households giving an average of $1,620 compared to 70 percent with an average of $1,075 in 1999 (Independent Sector 1999, Independent Sector 2001).


The importance of civic responsibility is paramount to the success of democracy and philanthropy. By engaging in civic responsibility, citizens ensure and uphold certain democratic values written in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Those values or duties include justice, freedom, equality, diversity, authority, privacy, due process, property, participation, truth, patriotism, human rights, rule of law, tolerance, mutual assistance, self restraint and self respect. Schools teach civic responsibility to students with the goal to produce responsible citizens and active participants in community and government.

Key Related Ideas

Service learning is a way in which people learn civic responsibility. Through service learning, citizens participate in projects to help or serve the needs of other people. By getting their hands dirty and actually doing work, citizens experience the value and impact of giving to people and learn to be productive members of society.

College students have the opportunity to participate in Alternative Spring Break (ASB). Trips are scheduled during university spring breaks. Students travel to various agencies throughout the country and participate in projects such as assisting at low-income day care centers, clearing park paths and serving food at homeless shelters. Some schools also require students to participate in service learning as a class or degree requirement.

Volunteering is a form of civic responsibility, which involves the giving of time or labor without the expectation of monetary compensation. Many people volunteer through local churches, animal shelters or food banks. Volunteering allows citizens the opportunity to share their skills and talents as well as the to learn new skills while helping those in need of assistance.

Civic Education is a method in which to teach civic responsibility. According to the Center of Civic Education, it is a way to promote and enlighten responsible citizenry committed to democratic principles. Civic education is a means to actively engage people in the practice of democracy in the United States and other countries (Center for Civic Education).

Important People Related to the Topic

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus: A Roman statesman, Cincinnatus gained fame for his selfless devotion to the republic. During a national crisis, he took control of Rome and swiftly vanquished the threat to the country. After his victory and the security of the country restored, he relinquished his power. In 458 BC, Cincinnatus was appointed dictator to rescue a consular army surrounded by enemy forces. Cincinnatus defeated the enemy in a single day and maintained his authority for only 15 days, long enough to bring Rome through the emergency (Leadership Now 2001).

President Thomas Jefferson: Jefferson served as the third president of the United States and authored the Declaration of Independence, which guaranteed citizens the “unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Through civic responsibility, citizens are free to pursue these rights and to respect the same pursuits by other individuals.

Martin Luther King, Jr . : King was a Baptist minister, civil rights activist and recognized for his example of civic responsibility in the United States. His fight for equality continues today. “His lectures and dialogue stirred the concern and sparked the conscious of a generation. The movements and marches he led brought significant changes in the fabric of American life through his courage and selfless devotion. This devotion gave direction to thirteen years of civil rights activities” (The King Center).

Related Nonprofit Organizations

AmeriCorps is a network of national service programs enabling more than 50,000 Americans to meet critical needs in education, public safety, health and the environment. The members serve more than 2,100 non-profits, public agencies and faith-based organizations. AmeriCorps was created in 1993 and is part of the Corporation for National and Community Service

The Center for Civic Education was founded in 1964 and is based in Los Angeles, California. The origin of the Center can be traced to the interdisciplinary Committee on Civic Education formed at the University of California. The Center strives to produce educational material with a focus on Civic Responsibility. The organization has two main offices located in Los Angeles, California and Washington, D.C. The Center is the creator of “We the People,” an instructional program on the history and principles of American constitutional democracy for elementary, middle and high school students. The program is a required part of the curriculum in many schools ).

The Corporation for National and Community Service was founded in 1993 and oversees AmeriCorps, Learn and Serve and Senior Corps. It provides Americans of all ages and backgrounds the opportunity to serve their communities and country

Peace Corps was founded in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy with the purpose to promote world peace and friendship. Three simple and challenging goals comprise the Peace Corps mission: helping the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women, helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of peoples served and helping to promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of all Americans ( ).

Points of Light engages and mobilizes millions of volunteers to help solve serious social problems in thousands of communities. Through a variety of programs and services, Points of Light encourages people from all walks of life (businesses, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, low-income communities, families, youth, and older adults) to volunteer to transform communities ( ).

Senior Corps is a network of programs tapping the experience, skills and talents of older citizens to meet community challenges. Through three programs – Foster Grandparents, Senior Companions and RSVP (the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) – more than half a million Americans age 55 and over assist local nonprofits, public agencies and faith-based organizations in carrying out their missions ( ).

The United Way is the nation’s leading agency that “invests in and activates the resources to make the greatest possible impact in communities across America” (United Way, 2003). The United Way brings communities together to raise money, provide volunteers and gain support for non-profit agencies

Bibliography and Internet Sources

  • Boye, Harry and Nancy N. Kari. “Renewing the Democratic Spirit in American Colleges and Universities: Higher Education as Public Work . “ (1999). In Higher Education and Civic Responsibility.
  • Center for Civic Education. “About the Center.”
  • The Independent Sector. “Giving and Volunteering in the United States
  • U.S. National Archives and Records Administrations. “Declaration of Independence.” The National Archives Experience.
  • The King Center. “Biographical Outline of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” The King Center.
  • Swanson, Stephanie S. “Social Capital and Civic Responsibility; How to teachers can promote volunteerism and civic responsibility.” (1999). Pacific Lutheran University.
  • United Way of America. “About The United Way.” United Way of America.

Being a Responsible Citizen

Everyone has a duty to be a responsible citizen. But unfortunately, not everyone takes this responsibility seriously. There are plenty of people the world over who do not know what being a responsible citizen means and these are the people who destroy our communities. For being a responsible citizen results in a happy and harmonious community – if everyone else does the same.

Being a responsible citizen covers many areas – some of them legal obligations, some social and some moral. So of course, because not all of them are legal obligations, being a responsible citizen is not as easy as staying within the law. In fact, to be a truly responsible citizen, we sometimes must go out of our way to do things which help our society – give a little of our time and effort for the greater good.

Legal Obligations

No one can be a responsible citizen without staying within the law. It is as simple as that. Criminals, by their very nature, are not behaving as responsible citizens. Laws exist to protect citizens, the communities they live in and their property. So to be a responsible citizen, we must respect these laws and abide by them. Harming others or others’ property does not equate to being a good citizen.

Social Obligations

Social obligations really form the bulk of being a responsible citizen and what this means. To be a responsible citizen, we should help our communities and those who live in them. So, being a responsible citizen can encompass things such as volunteering.

Volunteering, the third sector, is worth billions to our economy and even more to those who are helped by volunteering. But in the interests of being a responsible citizen, this could include smaller things too. So, volunteering for the Samaritans is a noble job to do and one which is certainly needed. But the elderly lady who lives alone may need someone to do her shopping and this demonstrates responsible citizenship just as much as volunteering in an organisation.

Other social obligations of being a good citizen can include things such as helping local businesses. This may means buying the meat for Sunday dinner from a local butcher rather than a supermarket, or using a small local bookstore rather than the internet. Being a responsible citizen also means being involved in our communities. This may be demonstrated by being on the school parent teacher association or the village hall committee. It may be as simple as attending events organised by these people.

Moral Obligations

Moral obligations of being a responsible citizen are harder to pin down because different people have different moral codes. But one place we can all start is in helping the environment.

The environmental problems society is facing are of our own making and we all have a moral obligation to do what we can to change this. So by living as environmentally friendly life as possible, we can help fulfil our moral obligations of being a responsible citizen. Taking recyclables to be recycled and using a compost bin are two easy ways and there are many more.

And they can be linked in with other obligations. For example, if you have a compose bin but no plants to use the compost on, you could give it to people who have plants but live alone, making them less likely to generate a huge amount of compost themselves.

Being a responsible citizen should not be a hard thing but it should be something which occasionally requires a little extra effort. This is because being a responsible citizen is, at its core, about being a less selfish person, and putting the needs of society before your own needs. It does not means you have to sacrifice all your free time to volunteer or help others, but it does means taking a little time to think about the impact of your actions on others.

Sources Cited

Civics | Living In a Democratic Society

Civic Responsibility

Being A Responsible Citizen



Laura Annabelle

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.