Self Care

Mental Health

Laura Annabelle
2 min readJul 22, 2017

Self care matters and whether anyone agrees or believes in this, it’s part of our reality and one time or another, they will come with acceptance, respect and understanding of the real importance of self care in psychology yet in mental health.

Caring for ourself mentally is vitally important and everyone who stands by this such as advocates, mental health survivors in the mental health community, friends, family, and other acquaintances; want everyone else to come over the the hopeful and light side. It’s so much better, life’s better, everything’s better!

Yes, mental health is a thing, just like physical health is. You call a disease or sickness, a physical illness because you feel physically ill. And then there’s mental illness. Society has chosen to view it as shameful.

They shame us. They are more self centred because they don’t try to think or ask us what it’s like for us to live with our mental illnesses. We feel mentally ill, so we call it a mental illness but we end up getting shamed rather than empathy or any kindness or caring towards us like one would feel or express when finding or seeing someone wearing a cast on their arm or leg or any other part of their body.



Laura Annabelle

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.