The Fosters

Every kid says mean things to their parents

Laura Annabelle
4 min readJul 22, 2016

You can’t be afraid to speak up, we all mess up even. I get it, we’re all the same. Every foster kid think we’re not allowed to say what we need or to stand up for ourselves. But we have to.

(3 min 15 sec left) “Daughters

We can’t be afraid to speak up, stand up for ourselves when things don’t go the right way. We need to speak up if we want to see better change in the world and in our lives.

9 minutes ~ 4 minutes – “Lucky

“When your lucky, it is your job to give something back. And when you see something wrong, to stand up and to say so. I’m not gonna apologize for standing up. Somebody has to.” – Callie

Don’t go blowing something up that could be great just because you’re scared. – Rita

Unfortunately, justice is not always served in this world. – that doesn’t mean nothing can be done about this. About justice being served in our world. Nothing is impossible and yeah: I get things are bad. But what are we doing to fix it? Quoted by Tomorrowland.

We can’t risk making things harder for ourselves. – so what. That shouldn’t be a good enough reason to not share our stories. Our stories is one way to inspire the world of great things that come from the negative and bad stories. No matter what risks it involves in taking or what someone could lose, tell your story. It will be worth it and you won’t lose anything, except for gaining so much more than you may even think.

“Parents don’t love you more because you’re biologically theirs. I mean, your moms – they don’t love you because your easy to deal with or because you keep your mouth shut. They love you because you’re you.” – Rita

I just always expect you to do the right thing because you just – you always do.

You’ve always been so warm and welcoming to all the kids that we’ve brought in this house, it just never occurred to me that you might not actually be okay.

I think we’re all capable of doing things that we never thought we’d do. – that doesn’t mean that we can’t prevent the things that we don’t think we’d be capable of. Nothing is impossible and never say never. It’s better to try than to never try at all.

“I wanted to take this opportunity to tell my story. So my little brother and I have been in seven different foster homes. And in one home, I was raped by an older foster brother, Liam Olmstead. And then there was this other home and we had his foster dad – Jim Pearson. And one day he was beating my little brother so bad, I had to take a baseball bat to his car to get him to stop. Nothing happened to him. I went to juvie. After that, I ended up in a safe, loving foster home. And my foster moms adopted my little brother, but the judges wouldn’t allow them to adopt me. And the same judge, Judge Jeffrey Ringer, continues to block my adoption without considering what I want. And that is what is wrong with the system.” – Callie

“We foster kids have no control of our own lives and it’s our time to speak up and we start calling people out by name. That is the only way that things will change. And we cannot be afraid. And that is why I’m telling my story and I really hope that you’ll tell yours.” – Callie

Judge Jeffrey Ringer: You said I was making these decisions about your life without any consideration of what you wanted.

Callie: Because that’s how it felt. The system is broken, sir, badly. And the only people who really understand just how bad are the ones without any say, without my voice. Somebody has got to speak up.

Judge Jeffrey Ringer: And that someone is going to be you, is it?

Callie: Yes. I’m one of the lucky ones. You know, I …found an amazing family, and I’m finally safe and loved, like, really, truly loved. And one of the things I’ve learned from my moms, from watching the way they’ve lived their lives, is that when your lucky, it is your job to give something back. And when you see something wrong, to stand up and to say so. So, I’m really sorry if I offended you. It was not my intention. I’m not gonna apologize for standing up. Somebody has to.

Judge Jeffrey Ringer: Well I wish it weren’t the case…but there’s a lot of truth in what your saying. It’s no secret the system is failing a lot of kids, and that someone needs to do something about it. I’m proud of you for being that person.

Love can drown every bad day.

It’s not where you come from, it’s where you belong/Nothing I would trade, I wouldn’t have it any other way. – Keri Kimmel

Here is an article on someone sharing their thoughts and moments with watching “The Fosters” and how they relate to their own experiences these characters have gone through in the show. Take a look! Thank you The Hairpin

And The Fosters theme song is so calming yet so true:

“It’s not where you come from, it’s where you belong.”



Laura Annabelle

I’m just a young adult trying to figure out how to live her new adult life.